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BusinessplanLab@FUB: Creation of a business plan for participating in the first step of the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition

Type Project seminar
Instructor Prof. Dr. Martin Gersch, Natalie Nirenberg and externals
Semester Winter semester
Scope of Course 2 hours per weeks (in blocks); workload 180h / semester
Credit Points 6 - as a module in the BA specialization area Innovation Management
Number of Places
Registration Mode

Please enroll via the Campus Management system

Target Group

The course is aimed at students from Berlin universities who are interested in the founding of companies. The first insights into entrepreneurial mentality and activities, acquired during the GPP courses "Funpreneur competition" and "Principles of Business Administration", can be expanded and put into action in this course. The objective is the participation at the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition, an event at which the FU regularly positions teams in the upper ranks. Recently, in 2018, the FU once more received the commendation as a "forge of ideas". 

Contents and Learning Objectives

The Bachelor students are introduced into the independent development of a business concept in the form of a business plan or a finalized Business Model Canvas (BMC). Initially, during the course of a team and idea workshop, a first concept for the idea to be elaborated is created, using the Value Proposition Canvas (VPS) and the BMC according to Osterwalder. The construction of this final document is accompanied by theory courses concerning business administration, set up for the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition, and practical workshops in Entrepreneurship Education.

Learning Methods

The students train the independent evaluation of a potential foundation idea or project in an action- and problem-oriented way. The course is designed as an interdisciplinary, "blended learning" setting. In the beginning of each teaching unit, the students can test their presentational abilities by presenting their foundation idea in a thematic context.

This course is aimed at students of all study branches who can imagine founding a company or who simply seek to learn how to create a business plan. It follows the "learning by doing" approach. The conveyed skills are implemented step-by-step by four persons through the writing of a business plan. Subsequently, the teams submit their results to the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan competition.


Please enroll via the Campus Management system.

Schedule of the course (in the winter semester 20/21)

The course will be carried out at the following dates as a block event in room TBA


6 Nov 2020

10h - 16h

Kick-off event

Ideas and team creation


20 Nov 2020

10h - 16h

Founder team

Product and service


27 Nov 2020

10h - 16h

Market analysis

Target groups


4 Dec 2020

10h - 16h


Marketing and sales


11 Dec 2020

10h - 16h

Company and organization

Finance planning


18 Dec 2020

10h - 16h

Finance planning II


8 Jan 2021

10h - 16h

BMC iteration

Pitch & storytelling


22 Jan 2021

10h - 14h

Final event

Deadline: TBA - Deadline for submission to the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition

Contact person

Catharina Werner
Telefon: (030) 83871796
E-Mail: catharina.werner@fu-berlin.de

Competence Center E-Commerce
Entrepreneurial Network University (ENU)
016 DynAge_BildWort_RGB_RZ_WEB
Department Information Systems