Module C (Cognitive Well-Being)

C0: Satisfaction With Life Scale

Source: Diener, E., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The Satisfaction With Life Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(1), 71–75.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

German instructions used in survey: Es folgen fünf Aussagen, denen Sie zustimmen bzw. die Sie ablehnen können. Bitte benutzen Sie die folgende Skala von 1-7, um Ihre Zustimmung bzw. Ablehnung zu jeder Aussage zum Ausdruck zu bringen.

English translation of instructions: Below are five statements that you can agree with or disagree with. Please indicate how much you agree with each statement.

Click for response options

C1: Cantril’s Ladder

Source: see Weimann, J., Knabe, A., & Schöb, R. (2012). Geld macht doch glücklich. Wo die ökonomische Glücksforschung irrt. Schäffer-Poeschel.

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Click for response options

C2: Satisfaction with Life Domains

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly (quarterly until December 2018)

Filter: The job satisfaction item was only presented when an individuals indicated that (s)he was currently employed. The item on the satisfaction with the job center was only presented when an individuals indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

Module A (Affective Well-Being)

A0: Day Reconstruction Method

Source: Kahneman, D., Krueger, A. B., Schkade, D. A., Schwarz, N., & Stone, A. A. (2004). A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: the day reconstruction method. Science (New York, N.Y.), 306(5702), 1776–1780.

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Introductional Instructions (DRM)

Day Length (DRM)

Click for response options

Indication of time and date

Activities (DRM)

Click for response options

People (DRM)

Click for response options

Location (DRM)

Click for response options

Sleep (DRM)

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Feelings (DRM)

German instructions used in survey: Die folgenden Wörter beschreiben unterschiedliche Gefühle. Wie haben Sie sich während der angeführten Aktivität gefühlt?*

English translation of instructions: The following words decribe different feelings. How did you feel during the listed activity?*

Click for response options

Overall Feeling (DRM)

Click for response options

A1: Yesterday’s Mood

Source: Self-constructed items

Measurement frequency: Monthly, starting July 2020

Click for response options

A2: Experience Sampling: Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaire

Source: Experience sampling method: e.g., Hektner, J. M., Schmidt, J. A., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2007). Experience sampling method: Measuring the quality of everyday life. Sage Publications.;
Larson, R., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1983). The experience sampling method. In New directions for methodology of social and behavioral science (Vol. 15, Issue 15, pp. 41–56).

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Introductional Instructions (ESM)

Activities (ESM)

Click for response options

People (ESM)

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Location (ESM)

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Momentary Mood (ESM)

Source: Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaire: Steyer, R., Schwenkmezger, P., Notz, P., & Eid, M. (1997). Der Mehrdimensionale Befindlichkeitsfragebogen (MDBF). Hogrefe Verlag.

German instructions used in survey: Die folgenden Wörter beschreiben unterschiedliche Gefühle. Wie haben Sie sich während der angeführten Aktivität gefühlt?

English translation of instructions: The following words decribe different feelings. How did you feel during the listed activity?

Click for response options

A3: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale

Source: Hautzinger, M., Bailer, M., Hofmeister, D., & Keller, F. (2012). Allgemeine Depressions Skala. Manual. 2. überarbeitete und neu normierte Auflage. Göttingen: Hofgrefe Verlag GmbH & Co KG.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Due to copyright restrictions, we cannot share the original items. They can be found in Hautzinger et al. (2012). Allgemeine Depressions Skala. Manual. 2. überarbeitete und neu normierte Auflage. Göttingen: Hofgrefe Verlag GmbH & Co KG.

Click for response options

Module E (Eudaimonic Well-Being)

E0: Ryff Scale of Psychological Wellbeing

Source: Ryff scales: Ryff, C. D. (1989). Happiness is everything, or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57(6), 1069– 1081.
We used a short version that was constructed using an ant algorithm: Schultze, M. (2017). Constructing subtests using ant colony optimization.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Environmental Mastery

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Purpose in Life

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Self Acceptance

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Positive Relations With Others

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E1: Experienced Meaningfulness

Source: Self-constructed items

Measurement frequency: Monthly/quarterly

Experienced Meaningfulness (DRM)

Note: the following items were asked within each episode of the day reconstruction method (A0)

Click for response options

Experienced Meaningfulness (ESM)

Note: The following items were asked within each episode of the experience sampling module (A2)

Click for response options

Module P (Psychological)

P0: Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI)

Source: Schwarzer, R., Greenglass, E., & Taubert, S. (2000). PCI–FRAGEBOGEN zu allgemeiner und proaktiver Stressbewältigung. Deutsche Testversion 1 (2000) des Proactive Coping Inventory. Retrieved 2015/01/07, from

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Proactive Coping

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Avoidance Coping

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Reflecitve Coping

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Strategic Planning

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Support Seeking

Click for response options

P1: Perceived Stress

Source: Self-constructed items

Measurement frequency: Monthly (as part of A0 and add-on to A3)

Click for response options

P2: Loneliness

Source: Self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (as part of A3, added in July 2020)

Click for response options

P4: Tendency to Resign and Offensive Problem Solving

Source: Self-constructed items

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Tendency to Resign

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Offensive Problem Solving

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P5: Mood Regulation

Source: Lischetzke, T., Eid, M., Wittig, F., & Trierweiler, L. (2001). Die Wahrnehmung eigener und fremder Gefühle: Konstruktion und Validierung von Skalen zur Erfassung der emotionalen Selbst- und Fremdaufmerksamkeit sowie der Klarheit über Gefühle. Diagnostica, 47, 167-177.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Click for response options

P6: Berlin Social Support Scale, Perceived Support

Source: Schulz, U., & Schwarzer, R. (2003). Soziale Unterstützung bei der Krankheitsbewältigung: Die Berliner Social Support Skalen (BSSS). Diagnostica.

Measurement frequency: Monthly (Quarterly until July 2020)

Click for response options

Module H (Health)

H0: Self-Rated Health

Source: German Ageing Survey: Engstler, H., Schmiade, N., & Lejeune, C. (2013). Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS ): Kurzbeschreibung des Datensatzes SUF DEAS2011, Version 1.0. 49(Juni), 1–42.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Click for response options

H1: Changes in Health (last five years)

Source: German Ageing Survey: Engstler, H., Schmiade, N., & Lejeune, C. (2013). Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS ): Kurzbeschreibung des Datensatzes SUF DEAS2011, Version 1.0. 49(Juni), 1–42.

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

H2: Expected Changes in Health (next three years)

Source: German Ageing Survey: Engstler, H., Schmiade, N., & Lejeune, C. (2013). Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS ): Kurzbeschreibung des Datensatzes SUF DEAS2011, Version 1.0. 49(Juni), 1–42.

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

H3: Weight

Source: German Ageing Survey: Engstler, H., Schmiade, N., & Lejeune, C. (2013). Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS ): Kurzbeschreibung des Datensatzes SUF DEAS2011, Version 1.0. 49(Juni), 1–42.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Click for response options

H4: Disability

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Biyearly

Existence of Disability

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Degree of Disability (if Disability indicated)

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H5: Diseases

Source: German Ageing Survey: Engstler, H., Schmiade, N., & Lejeune, C. (2013). Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS ): Kurzbeschreibung des Datensatzes SUF DEAS2011, Version 1.0. 49(Juni), 1–42.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Common Diseases

German instructions used in survey: Welche der folgenden Krankheiten und gesundheitlichen Probleme haben Sie, und wie groß sind die Beschwerden zurzeit?

English translation of instructions: Do you currently suffer from one of the following diseases? If yes, how severe is the disease?

Click for response options

Other Diseases

Click for response options

H6: Doctoral Visits (last three months)

Source: Self-constructed Items

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Click for response options

H7: Overnight Stays in Hospital (last three months)

Source: Self-constructed Items

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Click for response options

H8: Height

Source: Self-constructed Items

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

H9: Hair Cortisol Concentration (biomarker of chronic stress)

Source: Self-constructed Items

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Click for response options

H10: Worries

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Click for response options

H11: Covid-19 Infection

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Positive Test

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Issues (only if positive test was indicated)

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H12: Covid-19 Contact

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Click for response options

H13: Covid-19 Quarantine

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Click for response options

Module 0 (Entry Survey)

01: Still Employment in First Wave

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

02: Start Date of Employment

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

03: Reason for Job Seeker Registration

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Entry survey (adapted in April 2018)

Main Question

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Follow-Up (if mutual agreement)

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Follow-Up (if fixed term contract)

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04: Working Hours

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey (and then quarterly)

Click for response options

05: Long Hours (initial version, used for first cohort)

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

5.1: Long Hours (revised version, used for second cohort)

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey (and then quarterly)

English translation of instructions: We would like to know more about the working conditions at your current job.

German instructions used in survey: Wir wüssten gerne mehr über die Arbeitsbedingungen Ihrer derzeitigen Tätigkeit.

Click for response options

06: Earnings

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey (and then quarterly)

Monthly Gross Labour Income

Click for response options

Monthly Net Labour Income

Click for response options

07: Job Characteristics

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Entry survey (and then quarterly)

English translation of instructions: Please indicate in the following whether or not the following aspects are true for your current employment.

German instructions used in survey: Wir wüssten gerne Genaueres über ihre Arbeit und die Arbeitsbedingungen an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz. Bitte geben Sie für die folgenden Fragen jeweils an, ob das auf ihre Arbeit zutrifft.

Contractual Characteristics

Click for response options

Perceived Characteristics

Click for response options

09: Smartphone Awareness

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry survey

Click for response options

Module 1 (SES and Personality)

10: Marital Status

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: biyearly

Click for response options

11: Partnership

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: biyearly

Click for response options

12: Employment Status of Partner

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: biyearly

Click for response options

13: Place of Residence in 1989

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Entry Survey

Click for response options

14: Education / Training

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: Biyearly

German instructions used in survey: Jetzt würden wir gerne wissen welchen Bildungsabschluss Sie besitzen und ob Sie eine berufliche Ausbildung abgeschlossen haben.

English translations of instructions: Now we would like to know what your highest degree of education is and if you have successfully completed an apprenticeship or university education.

Highest Degree of Education

Click for response options

Highest Degree of Vocational Training

Click for response options

15: Number of Children

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: Biyearly

Click for response options

16: Household Income

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Click for response options

17.1: Prejudice Toward the Unemployed

Source: Berg, M., Cramer, R., Dickmann, C, Gilberg, R., Jesske, B., Kleudgen, M., Bethmann, A., Fuchs, B., Huber, M. & Trappmann, M. (2014). Codebuch und Dokumentation des “Panel Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung” (PASS). Band 1: Datenreport Welle 7. FDZ Datenreport 201402

Measurement frequency: Monthly (beginning in July 2020)

Click for response options

17.2: Personality (Big Five, Risk Aversion)

Source: SOEP, extended by risk aversion-item. See Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169., extended by risk aversion-item

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

German instructions used in survey: Hier sind unterschiedliche Eigenschaften, die eine Person haben kann. Wahrscheinlich werden einige Eigenschaften auf Sie persönlich voll zutreffen und andere überhaupt nicht. Bei wieder anderen sind Sie vielleicht unentschieden. Ich bin jemand, der …

English tranlsation of instructions: Here are different traits that people can have. Some of them will probably apply to you completely while others will not apply at all. And then with others, again, you may be undecided. I am someone, who …


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Risk Aversion

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17.3: Patience

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly (beginning in July 2020)

Click for response options

18: Fairness, locus of control

Source: Fairness: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.;
Locus of control: Kurzskala Interne und Externe Kontrollüberzeugung: Jakoby, N., & Jacob, R. (1999). Messung von internen und externen Kontrollüberzeugungen in allgemeinen Bevölkerungsumfragen. Zuma Nachrichten, 23(45), 61-71.

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

English translation of instructions: To what extent are the following statements true for you?

German instructions used in survey: In welchem Maße treffen die folgenden Aussagen auf Sie persönlich zu?


Click for response options

Locus of Control

Click for response options

19: Religion

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Biyearly

Click for response options

Module 2 (During Employment)

20: Labour Market Status

Source: ‘The Value of Work’, see Knabe, A., Rätzel, S., Schöb, R., & Weimann, J. (2010). Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Time-use and well-being of the unemployed. Economic Journal, 120(547), 867–889.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Click for response options

21: Termination of Employment Relationship (initial version, used until end of June 2020)

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Click for response options

21.1: Termination of Employment Relationship (revised)

Measurement frequency: Monthly (after July 2020)

Click for response options

21.2: Termination of Employment Relationship (revised)

Measurement frequency: Monthly (after July 2020)

Filter: Item only presented if 21.1 was answered with yes.

Click for response options

21.3: Termination of Employment Relationship (revised)

Measurement frequency: Monthly (after July 2020)

Filter: Item only presented if 21.1 was answered with yes.

Click for response options

22: Working Hours

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

English translation of instructions: We would like to know more about the working conditions at your current job.

German instructions used in survey: Wir wüssten gerne mehr über die Arbeitsbedingungen Ihrer derzeitigen Tätigkeit.

Contractual Working Hours

Click for response options

Actual Working Hours

Click for response options

23: Long Hours

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

English translation of instructions: We would like to know more about the working conditions at your current job.

German instructions used in survey: Wir wüssten gerne mehr über die Arbeitsbedingungen Ihrer derzeitigen Tätigkeit.

Click for response options

24: Earnings

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

Monthly Gross Labour Income

Click for response options

Monthly Net Labour Income

Click for response options

25: Job Characteristics

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Quarterly

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

English translation of instructions: Please indicate in the following whether or not the following aspects are true for your current employment.

German instructions used in survey: Wir wüssten gerne Genaueres über ihre Arbeit und die Arbeitsbedingungen an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz. Bitte geben Sie für die folgenden Fragen jeweils an, ob das auf ihre Arbeit zutrifft.

Contractual Characteristics

Click for response options

Perceived Characteristics

Click for response options

27: Kurzarbeit (short-time work)

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

Click for response options

28: Key Worker

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

Click for response options

29: Remote Work

Source: self-constructed item

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Filter: Item only presented when individuals indicated that (s)he is currently employed.

Click for response options

Module 3 (During Unemployment)

30: Reemployment Planning

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

31: New Job: Part- or Full-Time?

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

32: Employability

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

33: Reservation Wage

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

34: Re-Employment Expectations

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

German instructions used in survey: Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass innerhalb der nächsten drei Monate die folgenden beruflichen Veränderungen für Sie eintreten? Dass Sie…

English translation of instructions: How likely is it that the following changes to your professional life will occur within the next three months? That you …

Click for response options

36: Unemployment Benefits (Arbeitslosengeld)

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

37: Unemployment Benefits II (Arbeitslosengeld II)

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options

38: Re-Employment Intentions

Source: SOEP, see Wagner, G. G., Frick, J. R., & Schupp, J. (2007). The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) – Scope, evolution and enhancements. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127, 139–169.

Measurement frequency: Monthly (starting in July 2020)

Filter: Item only presented if individual indicated that (s)he was currently not employed.

Click for response options