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Razinskas, S. (2022): A multilevel review of curvilinear effects on the creative work of teams. In: Small Group Research 53 (in print).

Kearney, E./Razinskas, S./Weiss, M./Hoegl, M. (2022): Gender diversity and team performance under time pressure: The role of team withdrawal and information elaboration. In: Journal of Organizational Behavior 43(in print).

Datzer, D./Razinskas, S./Hoegl, M. (2022): Implicit resilience theories: A qualitative study of context-shapers at higher education institutions. In: Studies in Higher Education 47 (in print).

Hundschell, A. S./Razinskas, S./Backmann, J./Hoegl, M. (2022): The effects of diversity on creativity: A literature review and synthesis. In: Applied Psychology 71 (in print).

Razinskas, S./Weiss, M./Hoegl, M./Baer, M. (2022): Illuminating opposing performance effects of stressors in innovation teams. In: Journal of Product Innovation Management 39 (3): 351-370.

Auschra, C./Sydow, J. (2022): Resourcing goal-directed networks: Toward a practice-based perspective. In: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 32 (in print).

Auschra, C./Bartosch, J./Lohmeyer, N. (2022): Differences in female representation in leading management and organization journals: Establishing a benchmark. Research Policy 51 (in print).

Kremser, W./Sydow, J. (2022): When practices control practitioners: Integrating self-reinforcing dynamics into practice-based accounts of managing and organizing. In: Organization Theory 3 (in print).

Stache, F./Sydow, J. (2022): Breaking a path by creating a new one – How organizational change boosts children’s cancer care. In: Organization Studies 43 (in print).

Hartmann, S., Backmann, J., Newman, A., Brykman, K., & Pidduck, R. 2022. Psychological resilience of entrepreneurs: A review and agenda for future research. Journal of Small Business Management, In press.

Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Hagen, R./Sydow, J. (2021): Managing resource mutation in the face of extreme events: Fieldwork at two public networks in Germany and the U.S. In: Public Administration 99, 171-188.

Bruder, I. (2021): A social mission is not enough: Reflecting the normative foundations of social entrepreneurship. In: Journal of Business Ethics 174, 487-505.

Samimi, E./Sydow, J. (2021): Human resource management in project-based organizations: Revisiting the permanency assumptions. In: International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (1), 49-83.

Sydow, J./Helfen, M./Auschra, C. (2021): Re-thinking global production networks in the face of crises: A comment from Germany in light of Covid-19. In: Management and Organization Review 17 (2), S. 401-406.

Hartmann, S., Weiss, M., Hoegl, M., & Carmeli, A. (2021). How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience: A socio-cognitive perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 313-331.

Hoegl, M., & Hartmann*, S.(2021). Bouncing back, if not beyond: Challenges for research on resilience. Asian Business & Management, 20, 456-464. *both authors have contributed equally to this article.

Mueller, E. F., & Flickinger, M. (2021): It's a Family Affair: How Social Identification Influences Family CEO Compensation, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 29: 461-478.

Helfen, M./Sydow, J./Wirth, C. (2020): Service delivery networks and employment relations at German airports: Jeopardizing industrial peace on the ground? In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 58 (1), 168-198.

Fortwengel, J./Sydow, J. (2020): When many Davids collaborate with one Goliath: How inter-organiza­tio­nal networks (fail to) manage size differences. In: British Journal of Management 31 (2), S. 403-420.

Sydow, J./Helfen, M./Wirth, C. (2020): Strategy emergence in service delivery networks: Network-oriented HRM practices at German airports. In: Human Resource Management Journal 30 (4), S. 566-585.

Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (2020): On the theory of organizational path dependence: Clarifications, replies to objections, and extensions. In: Academy of Management Review 45 (4), S. 717-734.

Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Sydow, J. (2016): Network ethnography: A mixed-method approach for the study of practices in interorganizational settings. In: Organizational Research Methods 19 (in press).

Flickinger, M./Wrage, M./Tuschke, A./Bresser, R. (2016): How CEOs protect themselves against dismissal:
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Helfen, M./Schüßler, E./Dimitris, S. (2016): Translating European labor relations to the US through Global Framework Agreements? A comparative analysis of German and Swedish MNEs. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 69 (3): 631-655.

Helfen, M./Schüßler, E./Botzem, S. (2015): Legitimation strategies of corporate elites in the field of labor regulation: Changing responses to Global Framework Agreements. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 43, 243-268.

Schüßler, E./Grabher, G./Müller-Seitz, G. (2015): Field-configuring events: Arenas for innovation and learning? Industry & Innovation, 22(3), 165-172.

Schulz, A.-C./Nicolai, A. (2015): The intellectual link between management research and popularization media: A bibliometric analysis of the Harvard Business Review. Academy of Management Learning and Education 14 (1), S. 31-49.

Sydow, J./Schmidt, T./Braun, T. (2015): Business Model Change and Network Creation: Evidence from Berlin Start-ups. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Vancouver, Canada (in press).

Weiss, M./Weiss, D./Zacher, H. (2022): All set in stone? How and why essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers’ motivation to continue working. In: Journal of Organizational Behavior 43 (im Druck)

Weiss, M./Zacher, H. (2021): Why and when does voice lead to increased job engagement? The role of perceived voice appreciation and emotional stability. In: Journal of Vocational Behavior 132 (im Druck).

Röllmann, L. F./Weiss, M./Zacher, H. (2021): Does voice benefit or harm occupational well-being? The role of job insecurity. In: British Journal of Management 32, S. 708-724.

Weiss, M./Morrison, E. W. (2019): Speaking up and moving up? How voice affects employees’ social status. In: Journal of Organizational Behavior 40(1), S. 5-19.

Weiss, D./Weiss, M. (2019): Why people feel younger: Motivational and social-cognitive mechanisms of the subjective age bias and its implications for work and organizations. In: Work, Aging and Retirement 5(4), S. 273-280.

Tscholl, D. W./Handschin, L./Rössler, J./Weiss, M./Spahn, D. R./Nöthiger, C. B. (2019). It’s not you, it’s the design-common problems with patient monitoring reported by anesthesiologists: a mixed qualitative and quantitative study. In: BMC Anesthesiology 19(1), S. 87.

Tscholl, D. W./Handschin, L./Neubauer, P./Weiss, M./Seifert, B./Spahn, D. R., ... /Ganter, M. T. (2018). Using an animated patient avatar to improve perception of vital sign information by anaesthesia professionals. In: British Journal of Anaesthesia 121(3), S. 662-671.

Weiss, M./Kolbe, M./Grote, G./Spahn, D., R./Grande, B. (2018): We can do it! Inclusive leader language promotes voice behavior in multi-professional teams. In: Leadership Quarterly 29(3), S. 389-402.

Weiss, M./Kolbe, M./Grote, G./Spahn, D.R./Grande, B. (2017): Why didn’t you say something? Effects of after-event-reviews on voice behavior and hierarchy beliefs in multi-professional action teams. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26, S. 66-80.

Weiss, D./Weiss, M. (2016: The interplay of subjective social status and essentialist beliefs about aging on cortisol responses to challenge in older adults. In: Psychophysiology 53, S. 1256-1262.

Tscholl, D. W./Weiss, M./Noethiger, C./Spahn D. R. (2016): How to conduct multi-method field studies in the operating room: The iPad® combined with a survey application as a valid and reliable data collection tool. In: JMIR Research Protocols 5(1), e4.

Tscholl, D. W./Weiss, M./Kolbe, M./Staender, S./Seifert, B./Landert, D./ ... Noethiger, C. B. (2015): An anesthesia preinduction checklist to improve informationexchange, knowledge of critical information, perception of safety, and possibly perception of teamwork in anesthesia teams. In: Anesthesia & Analgesia 121, S. 948–956.

Schick, C./Weiss, M./Marty, A./Dambach, M./Spahn, D. R./Grote, G./Kolbe, M./Grande, B. (2015): Simulation with PARTS (Phase Augmented Research and Training Scenarios): a structure facilitating focused research and assessment for crisis resource management and team training simulation. In: Simulation in Healthcare 10, S. 178-187.