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PROJECT I.5 Coordination of the Research Unit and Knowledge Management

Key Facts

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin

Administrative assistant: Ingrid Naumann, Freie Universität Berlin

Student assistants: Philipp Stöhr, Humboldt-Universität Berlin; Elias Adlung, Freie Universität Berlin

Duration: 3 years (Phase I)

Project Description

This project is intended to enable the coordination of the research group in its daily operations as well as help manage both knowledge and research output internally. Key tasks involved will be internal communication; organization of project meetings, workshops, and summer schools; administration of the budget for professional development (e.g. in qualitative and quantitative methods, project management); coordination of knowledge-sharing within the group; coordinate research output through publications and reporting; and public relations. One important responsibility will be to support young researchers associated with the research unit, including the administration of the junior faculty exchange program and the implementation of equality measures.

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