Research Seminars
Research Seminars
- Research Seminar in Economics
The Research Seminar in Economics is a lecture series, in which economists, who usually are not part of the FU Economics Department, present their current research issues.
- Quantitative Economic Colloquium
The quantitative economic colloquium is a lecture series, where most of the time extern economic researches present their research work. Main focus are empirical works and contributions, which include statistics and Econometrics.
- Berlin-Seminar of the Specialresearcharea "GESY"
Researchworks which attend to causes, efficiency and impacts of Governance-structures in companys and markets get presented and discussed in this seminar.
- Seminar Series on Research in Development Economics
The Development Economics Network Berlin (DENeB) brings together researchers in the Berlin area who are working on themes related to Development Economics. The seminar series that takes place at DIW every second week gives invited guests the opportunity to present work and receive feedback from members of the network.