Staat und Allokation (State and Allocation)
Time and Place
Lecture | Monday, 4:00-6:00 pm, lecture hall 105 |
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Giacomo Corneo & Jun.-Prof. K. Jenderny | |
Exercise | Thursday, 10:00-11:30 am, 2:30-4:00 pm, lecture hall 104a |
Lecturer: Astrid Harnack & Jun.-Prof. K. Jenderny |
Please note: the first lecture will be held on 15th October, 2018. The exercise sessions start on 25th October, 2018.
Consultation hours
Jun.-Prof. K. Jenderny | upon request |
Astrid Harnack | upon request |
The course documents will be made available on FU’s blackboard system.
15.10.2018: Empirical features of the public sector
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Öffentliche Finanzen: Ausgabenpolitik, 5. Auflage, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, Kap. I.
Part A: Theory of market failure
22.10.2018: The two fundamental theorems of welfare economics
Lit.: Economics of the Public Sector (3rd ed.), New York, Ch. 3.
29.10.2018: Public Goods part I
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. II.
05.11.2018: Public Goods part II
Lit.:Corneo,G. (2018), Kap. II.
12.11.2018: External Effects part I
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. III.
19.11.2018: External Effects part II
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. III.
26.11.2018: Natural Monopolies
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. IV.
03.12.2018: Missing Markets
Lit.: Gordon, R. & H. Varian (1988), Intergenerational risk sharing, Journal of Public Economics 37, 185-202. Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. V.
Part B: Collective decision-making
10.12.2018: Aggregation of Information
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XI.
17.12.2018: Aggregation of Preferences
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XII.
Part C: Cost-Benefit-Analysis
14.01.2019: Equivalent Variation and Compensating Variation
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XIV; Hanusch, H. (1994), Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse (2. Auflage), München: Vahlen, S. 1-55.
21.01.2019: Sequel Equivalent Variation and Compensating Variation
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XIV; Hanusch, H. (1994), Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse (2. Auflage), München: Vahlen, S. 1-55.
28.01.2019: Evaluation of Public Goods
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XIV; Ahlheim, M. (2003), Zur ökonomischen Bewertung von Umweltveränderungen, in Genser, B. (Hrsg.), Finanzpolitik und Umwelt, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot; Hanusch, H. (1994), S. 69-97.
04.02.2019: Evaluation of Statistical Human Life, Discounting Part 1
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XIV; Ashenfelter, O. (2006), Measuring the Value of a Statistical Life: Problems and Prospects, IZA DP No. 1911; Boardman, A. et al. (1996), Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, S. 119-186.
11.02.2019: Evaluation of Statistical Human Life, Discounting Part 2
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2018), Kap. XIV; Ashenfelter, O. (2006), Measuring the Value of a Statistical Life: Problems and Prospects, IZA DP No. 1911; Boardman, A. et al. (1996), Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, S. 119-186.