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Ph. D. Alessandra Pelloni

Visiting professor

Boltzmannstraße 20
Room 322
14195 Berlin

Alessandra Pelloni got her Ph.D in Economics at the European University Institute and her Master of Science in Economics at the London School of Economics. She is currently Full Professor of Economics at the University of Rome II. She has worked in the past at the University of Warwick and at the University of Manchester.

She has mainly published in the field of macroeconomics and public economics. Her research has concentrated on  the relationship between growth and business cycles and on the optimal taxation of capital income in growth models. Her works have appeared in the Economic Journal, the Journal of Public Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Economic Inquiry, Economics Letters and others. She is associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Asymmetries. Her current projects deal with the relationship between risk aversion and growth, with the impact of the covid pandemic on attitudes towards risk and inequality  and with the optimal taxation of superstar workers.

Research Seminar in Economics