Maximilian Krull

School of Business and Economics
Student Assistant
Boltzmannstraße 20
Room 324
14195 Berlin
Room 324
14195 Berlin
Office hours
By appointment
Maximilian Krull is a Master student in Economics at the Freie Universität Berlin. Throughout his studies he specialized in Econometrics and Macroeconomics. He received his Bachelor's at the Freie Universität Berlin. The Title of his Bachelor thesis was "Testing the Fisher Hypothesis and Implicit Risk Premia. Additionally, Maximilian works as tutor for Mathmatics and Econometrics at Freie Universität Berlin. Before, he was also part of the course coordination at Freie Universität. Since April 2020 he joined the team of Prof. Lars Winkelmann and the project "Anchoring of Inflation Expectations" as a Student Assistent.