Rahel Gubser

Assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin
14195 Berlin
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Academic Positions
since 06/2022 | Guest Lecturer, Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany |
since 02/2022 | PhD Candidate, Institute for Medical Informatics, Charité | Berlin, Germany |
since 04/2023 | Scholarship Holder for Full Scholarship, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk Berlin, Germany |
2014–2016 | University of St.Gallen | St.Gallen, Switzerland MA, Business Administration & Leadership |
2010–2013 | University of St.Gallen | St.Gallen, Switzerland BA, International Affairs |
2012 | Reichman University | Herzliya, Israel Governance & Diplomacy |
Practical Experience
Since 06/23 Swiss Digital Initiative | Geneva, Switzerland
Member of the Digital Trust Expert Group. AI Governance and Ethics Committee. Responsible for the adjustment towards AI related criteria and supervision of criteria catalogue for auditing companies on Digital Ethics
Since 02/22 Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. | Berlin, Germany
Speaker Policy Advocacy Digital Health. Contributions on Gesundheitsdatennutzungsgesetz (GDNG) and Interoperability
Since 04/22 TAZ Futurzwei | Berlin, Germany
Columnist “Zukunftsfähige Digitalität“
2018-2021 Recare GmbH | Berlin, Germany
Team Lead Account Management. Establishment and scalability of customer success factors, CRM, operations management and product development for German Scale-Up “Recare”, a transfer platform for patient discharge from hospitals to care and rehab sector.
2015-2017 Credit Suisse | Zurich, Switzerland
Operating Officer in International Wealth Management. Focus area on automated international data exchange, due diligence and compliance.
WS 2024/2025
In my research, I draw on perspectives from Information Systems (IS) to explore the evolving dynamics of data sharing platformization, particularly within the context of health data. I investigate issues surrounding data governance, focusing on the balance between utility, privacy, and ethics in data sharing practices. Within Nursing Analytics, I examine the implications for fairness and the translation of data-driven outcomes, and how these outcomes can align with economic and broader societal concerns.
Topics: Digital Health, Data Sharing Ecosystems, Data Governance, Nursing Analytics
Refereed Publications
Kilgus, T., Patecka, A. Kari, A., Schurig, T., Gubser, R, Gersch, M., Wessel, L. & Fürstenau, D. (2024). Creating Value from the Secondary Use of Health Data: International Examples, Best Practices, and Opportunities to Scale. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Journal Paper
Conference Publications
Kilgus, T., Kari, A., Gubser, R, Gersch, M. & Fürstenau, D. (2024). Bridging the valley of death: balancing value creation and capture in health data sharing platforms. Preprint. International Conference of Information Systems 2024
Nowak, A., Gubser, R., Poncette, A. & Fürstenau, D. (2024). Evaluation of End-User Participation in Artificial Intelligence Nursing Projects. MIE 2024 Conference Paper
Gubser, R., Schulte-Althoff, M., Heinemann, N., Pohle, J., & Fürstenau, D. (2023). Data Governance Strategies of Data Platforms: A Multiple Case Analysis in Nursing Care. ECIS 2023 Conference Paper
Stegemann, L., Gubser, R., Gersch, M., Bartschke, A., Hoffmann, A., Wagner, M. & Fürstenau, D. (2023) Future-Oriented and Patient Centric? A Qualitative Analysis of Digital Therapeutics and Their Interoperability. ECIS 2023 Conference Paper
Other Publications
Gubser, R. & Keller, M. 2024. Unter welchen Umständen ist die Auslagerung von Entscheidungen an Maschinen sinnvoll? Taz FUTURZWEI Ausgabe 29.
Gubser, R. & Maschewski, F. 2024. Praxis Dr. Zuckerberg? Warum Gesundheitsdaten nicht dem Silicon Valley überlassen werden dürfen. Taz FUTURZWEI Ausgabe 22.
Gubser, R. 2023. Book Review on “Big Tech muss weg!” by Martin Andree. Taz FUTURZWEI