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Informationssysteme in Logistik und Verkehr

21.03.2012 - 22.03.2012

The multi-conference information systems is the traditional forum of the German speaking information systems community in the even numbered years. It addresses both scientists and practitioners, who are interested in current developments of information and communication technologies and their use in a business environment. The rich agenda of the conference covers topics from philosophy of science to web services and from automotive services to enterprise architectures.

It is aimed at promoting the exchange between special interest groups as well as between science and practitioners with different lecture and discussion formats.
Addressed are also organisations, which influence decisions or are involved in standardisation processes. The target group are people who are interested in IT from different business sectors or consulting firms, especially IT managers, project managers, but also includes, software architects, developers from industry and public administration, who want to to get a general idea of the best available technology.

Zeit & Ort

21.03.2012 - 22.03.2012

Braunschweig, Germany

Visit www.or2017.de ...