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AMCIS 2017: Digital Service Innovation Across Boundaries



The 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) will be held in Boston, MA from August 10th until August 12th 2017. Conducted under the auspices of the prestigious Association for Information Systems (AIS), AMCIS is one of the leading global conference in research on information systems. We are proud to announce that Lauri Wessel will be co-chairing a mini-track at AMCIS on "Digital Service Innovation Across Boundaries" together with Jens Poeppelbuss (University of Bremen) and Lars-Olof Johansson (University of Halmstad, Sweden). The track is part of the special interest group "Oganizational Transformation & Information Systems."

Manuscript submission opens on January 9th 2017 and closes on March 1st 2017 at 1 PM EST. More information can be found at the AMCIS website. Submissions have to be made via Manuscriptcentral and strictly adhere to AMCIS' formatting guidelines.

Information on our mini track is available from the mini track chairs or via amcis2017@is.uni-bremen.de.

Mini-Track: Digital Service Innovation Across Boundaries

Digital innovation has prompted organizations to become more process-oriented, customer focused, and to re-organize ways to deliver and capture value through services. A fundamental principle of both process orientation and value co-creation is to span boundaries within and across organizations. In today’s world, such boundaries are becoming increasingly dynamic and therefore pose new challenges to information systems research. On the one hand, inter- and intra-organizational boundaries blur as people engage with each other on digital platforms. On the other hand, new boundaries can also emerge through the use of information systems in the process of creating customer value. Research on how organizations can manage and overcome intra- and inter-organizational boundaries with the help of digital technologies and information systems, as well as studies on related organizational, strategic, and societal implications, is subject of this mini-track. We encourage papers applying a wide variety of methodologies, including empirical, theoretical and design-oriented research.

Jens Poeppelbuss, University of Bremen, Germany, jepo@is.uni-bremen.de
Lars-Olof Johansson, Halmstad University, Sweden, lars-olof.johansson@hh.se
Lauri Wessel, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, lauri.wessel@fu-berlin.de

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