Dr. Ana Paula Bezerra Barquet

Freie Universität Berlin
Department Wirtschaftsinformatik, Juniorprofessur Wessel
DINJRG "Health-IT and Business Model Innovation"
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Garystr. 21
Raum 328
14195 Berlin
Nach Vereinbarung
Juli 2016 - heute
Freie Universität Berlin
Juniorprofessur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Wirtschaftsinformatik, Information und Organisation am Department Wirtschaftsinformatik
Postdoc in der Nachwuchsforschergruppe ("Dahlem International Network Junior Research Group") "Health-IT and Business Model Innovation"
2010 - 2015
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
PhD in Industrial Engineering at University of Sao Paulo (Grade A - Excellent/ Scale A to E)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henrique Rozenfeld
Thesis: “Creation of Product-Service Systems proposal in the Fuzzy Front-end” (in English)
September 2013 - Februar 2016
Technische Universität Berlin
Research Assistant at Department of Assembly Technology/ Factory Management, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger
Member of the international project CRC 1026 "Sustainable Manufacturing - Shaping Global Value Creation" (funded by DFG).
- Research on business model development for sustainable technologies
- Creation of a business model for a bicycle sharing system in Berlin
- Organization of a plenary meeting with international experts in sustainable manufacturing from industry and academia
April 2013 - September 2013
Technische Universität Berlin
Visiting Researcher at Department of Assembly Technology/ Factory Management, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger
Management of the project “Networking Small and Medium Sized Enterprises for Competitive Remanufacturing“ in the scope of the program “Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative on Manufacturing Technology (BRAGECRIM)“- funded by DFG in Germany and CAPES in Brazil
August 2009 - April 2013
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Doctoral Student at Department of Industrial Engineering, Professor Dr. Ing. Henrique Rozenfeld
- Member of the international project “Housing Water Manufacturing (HWM): Recovery of Materials and Products” (funded by DAAD, Germany)
- Management of the international project “Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative on Manufacturing Technology (BRAGECRIM)“- funded by DFG in Germany and CAPES in Brazil
- Management of the consulting project “Diagnose of the product development” for the enterprise DabiAtlante (Brazilian Industry of Dental Instruments)
- Planning, organization and execution of the 40 hours course “Design for Environment" for the enterprise Embraer (Brazilian aerospace conglomerate)
2008 - 2010
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Master in Industrial Engineering (Grade: 4 - Excellent/ Scale 4 to 0)
Scholarships and Awards
Scholarship from CRC1026 – DFG, Germany (PhD candidate) |
03.2014 – 03.2015 |
Scholarship from CnPQ, Brazil (PhD research in Germany) |
04.2013 – 09.2013 |
Scholarship from CnPQ, Brazil (PhD candidate) |
08.2010 – 04.2013 |
Scholarship from CnPQ, Brazil (Master candidate) |
03.2008 – 03.2010 |
Scholarship from CnPQ, Brazil (Under graduation student, research in the chemical organic laboratory at UFSC) |
02.2003 – 07.2004 |
Teaching Exprience
Technische Universität Berlin
Project-oriented teaching “Economic feasibility of a smart urban mobility sharing system”
- Research and teaching a small group (4-6) of international master students about sustainable business models and existing bicycle sharing systems
- Development of tools to evaluate the economic feasibility of the system
Project-oriented teaching “Scenarios for international remanufacturing processes and marketing”
- Research and teaching a small group (4-6) of international master students about remanufacturing and scenario technique
- Development of scenarios for remanufacturing business models for countries with different levels of development
University of Sao Paulo
Planning, organization and execution of the 40 hours course “Design for Environment" for the enterprise Embraer (Brazilian aerospace conglomerate)
- Course for the product development department of the company, including manager and coordinators
- Lecture about sustainability and eco-design concepts and principles
- Application of methods and tools for the products of Embraer
Assistance in the lecture “Product Development Process” for Industrial Engineering students at the University of Sao Paulo, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Capaldo Amaral
- Creation of tasks and evaluation of students
- Support both the professor and students during and after lectures
So far, Ana's research has covered the development of guidelines on how to implement Product-Service Systems in business models of manufacturing enterprises. The guidelines were applied in two case studies: a machine tool manufacturer and a bicycle sharing system. Moreover, she has worked on remanufacturing in areas such as barriers to remanufactirung as well as guidelines for remanufacturing-related policy issues. This work could draw on data gathered from 76 remanufacturing companies worldwide.
Her current research interests include:
- Business Models for Product-Service Systems
- Business Model Innovation in Healthcare, especially for people with dementia
- Design Theory for Innovative Services, with special focus in Smart Services
Barquet, A. (2015): Creation of Product-Service Systems proposal in the Fuzzy Front-end” (Doctoral Thesis in English).
Available at http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18156/tde-04052015- 101933/en.php
Publikationen in begutachteten Journals:
Barquet, A. P.; Funck, A. P. G.; Koester, L. S. Parallel between alpha hydroxyacids and poly hydroxyacids in cosmetology and dermatology (2006). Rev. Bras. Farm., 87(3), p. 67-73 (In Portuguese)
Barquet, A. P.; Amigo, C.; Oliveira, M. G.; Cunha, V. P.; Rozenfeld, H. (2013): Employing the business model concept to support the adoption of product–service systems (PSS). Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), p.693–704.
Barquet, A. P.; Rozenfeld, H.; Forcellini, F. A. (2013): An integrated approach to remanufacturing: model of a remanufacturing system. Journal of Remanufacturing, 3, p.1-11.
Saavedra, Y. M. B.; Barquet, A. P.; Rozenfeld, H.; Forcellini, F. A.; Ometto, A. R. (2013): Remanufacturing in Brazil: case studies on the automotive sector. Journal of Cleaner Production 08(53), p.267–276.
Zancul, E. S.; Takey, S. M.; Barquet, A. P.; Kuwabara, L. H.; Cauchick Miguel, P. A.; Rozenfeld, H. (2016): Business process support for Internet of Things (IoT) based product-service systems (PSS). Business Process Management Journal (accepted for publication).
Barquet, A. P., Seidel, J., Kohl, H., Seliger, G. (forthcoming): Sustainability factors for PSS business models. Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle. Procedia CIRP.
Barquet, A. P., Seidel, J., Buchert, T., Galeitzke, M., Neugebauer, S., Oertwig, N., Rozenfeld, H., Seliger, G. (2015): Sustainable product service systems – from concept creation to the detailing of a business model for a bicycle sharing system in Berlin. In: Proceedings of the 13th GCSM conference, September 16th-18th, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam.
Barquet, A. P., Steingrímsson, J.G., Seliger, G., Rozenfeld, H. (2015): Method to create proposals for Product-Service Systems (PSS) business models. In: 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference – PSS. Procedia CIRP, 30, 13-17.
Guidat, T.; Barquet, A. P.; Widera, H.; Rozenfeld, H.; Seliger, G. (2014): Guidelines for the Definition of Innovative Industrial Product-service Systems (PSS) Business Models for Remanufacturing. Proceedings of the 6th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems, p.193–198.
Guidat, T.; Barquet, A. P.; Hamamoto, T.; Zorzal de Santos, J.A.; de Oliveira Gomez, J.; Rozenfeld, H.; Seliger, G. (2013): An analysis of industrial networks for remanufacturing in Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), Iguassu Falls, Brazil.
Barquet, A. P.; Guidat, T.; Hamamoto, T.; Rozenfeld, H.; Seliger, G. (2013): Attractiveness criteria for remanufacturing in Brazilian enterprises. In: Proceedings of the 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Berlin, Germany.
Barquet, A. P.; Guidat, T.; Almeida, T.; Seliger, G.; Rozenfeld, H. (2013): Service-oriented business models used in Brazilian enterprises. In: The 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2013, Karlstad.
Francisco Kurak, C.; Barquet, A. P.; Rozenfeld, H. (2013): Challenges for PSS Implementation: Identification and Classification. In: Horst Meier. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. 1 ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 275-285.
Barquet, A. P.; Pigosso, D. C. A.; Rozenfeld, H. (2013): Systematic Approach to Formulate PSS Development Project Proposals in the Fuzzy Front End. In: Horst Meier. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. 1 ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 121-130.
Barquet, A. P.; Cunha, V. P.; Oliveira, M. G.; Rozenfeld, H. (2011): Business Models for Product-Service Systems (PSS): An Exploratory Study in a Machine Tool Manufacturer. Proceedings of the 9th Global Conference of Sustainable Manufacturing.
Barquet, A. P.; Cunha, V. P.; Oliveira, M. G.; Rozenfeld, H. (2011): Business model elements for product-service system. In: Hesselbach, Jürgen; Herrmann, Christoph. (Org.). Functional Thinking for Value Creation. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, p. 332-337.
Barquet, A. P.; Rozenfeld, H.; Forcellini, F. A. (2011): Remanufacturing System: Characterizing the reverse supply chain. In: Luiz M. Camarinha-Matos; Alexandra Pereira-Klen; Hamideh Afasmanesh. (Org.). Adaptation and value creating collaborative networks. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, p. 556-563.
Sousa, S. R.; Pigosso, D. C. A.; Saavedra, Y. M. B.; Barquet, A. P.; Ometto, A. R.; Rozenfeld, H.; Forcellini, F. A. (2010): How Product-Service Systems can enable Remanufacturing?. In: 17th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering, 2010, Hefei. 17th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering.
Pigosso, D. C. A.; Barquet, A. P.; Rozenfeld, H.; Forcellini, F.A. (2009): Ecodesign for Remanufacturing. In: 7th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, 2009, Madras.