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International Monetary Economics

(10102801 / 10102826)


Type Lecture / Tutorial
ECTS 6 ECTS (Bachelor)


Current Information

Module in the Bachelor's Program

  • VWL: Vertiefungsgebiet und Spezialisierungsgebiet Volkswirtschaftstheorie

Module Description

(according to the course of study of the Bachelor Economics)

Goals of Qualification

Students have acquired methodological and analytical skills in the field of international monetary macroeconomics. They have understood the effects and determinants of exchange rate movements and international financial flows and can describe them in terms of model theory. The students are able to describe financial flows and models of international monetary economics and to apply their knowledge to problems and issues in the macroeconomics of an open economy.


  • repetition and deepening of foundations (balance of payments, currency systems, exchange rates)
  • central models of international monetary economics
  • financial market models
  • portfolio models
