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Schüßler, E./Rüling, C.-C./Wittneben, B. (2014): On melting summits: The limitations of field-configuring events as catalysts of change in transnational climate policy. In: Academy of Management Journal 57 (1), S. 140-171. [VHB Jourqual 3: A+]

AMJ Best Article 2014; VHB Best Paper Award 2014; Runners-up for the Research Impact on Practice Award of the AoM's ONE Division und the Network for Business Sustainability 2014

Burger, M./Sydow, J. (2014): How inter-organizational networks can become path-dependent: Bargaining practices in the photonics industry. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 66 (1), S. 73-99.

Dobusch, L./Kapeller, J. (2013): Breaking new paths: Theory and method in path dependence research. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 65 (3), S. 288-311.

Dobusch, L./Schüßler, E. (2013): Theorizing path dependence: A review of positive feedback mechanisms in prominent cases. In: Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (3), S. 617-647.

Kunow, K./Gersch, M./Koch, J. (2013): Temporary Incompetence as a Path Breaking Strategy. Two Major Record Companies’ Efforts to Escape their Competence Lock-in. In: Jahrbuch Strategisches Kompetenz Management 7, S. 9-33.

Schubert, C./Sydow, J./Windeler, A. (2013): The Means of Managing Momentum. Bridging Technological Paths and Organisational Fields. In: Research Policy 42 (8), S. 1389-1405.

Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Müller-Seitz, G./Lange, K. (2012): Path constitution analysis – A methdology for understanding path dependence and path creation. In: Business Research 5 (2), S. 155-176.

Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Schubert, C./Möllering, G. (2012): Organizing R&D Consortia for Path Creation and Extension: The Case of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technologies. In: Organization Studies  33 (7), S. 907–936.

Botzem, S./Dobusch, L. (2012): Standardization cycles: A process perspective on the formation and diffusion of transnational standards. In: Organization Studies 33 (5-6), S. 737-762.

Koch, J. (2011). Inscribed strategies: exploring the organizational nature of strategic lock-in. In: Organization Studies 32(3): 337-363.

Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J.(2011): Organizational Path Dependence: A Process View. In: Organization Studies 32 (3), S. 321-336.

Manning, S./Sydow, J. (2011): Projects, Paths, Practices: Sustaining and Leveraging Project-based Relationships. In: Industrial & Corporate Change 20 (5), S. 1369-1402.

Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J./Holtmann, P. (2011): How History Matters in Organizations: The Case of Path Dependence. In: Management & Organizational History 6 (1), S. 81-100.

Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (2010): Organizing for Fluidity? Dilemmas of New Organizational Forms. In: Organization Science 21(6), S. 1251-1262.

Duschek, S. (2010): Strategisches Pfadmanagement: "Beyond Path Dependence". In: Schreyögg, G./Conrad, P. (Hrsg.): Managementforschung 20. Wiesbaden, S. 223-260.

Dobusch, L. (2010): Kaskaden der Komplementarität: Pfadabhängigkeit organisationaler und technischer Strukturen. In: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 62 (6), S. 422-451.

Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Staber, U. (2010): Planning for path dependence? The case of a network in the Berlin-Brandenburg optics cluster. In: Economic Geography 86 (2), S. 173-195.

Koch, J./Eisend, M./Petermann, A. (2009): Path Dependence in Decision-Making Processes: Exploring the Impact of Complexity under Increasing Returns. In: Business Research 2 (1), S. 67-84.

Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (2009): Organizational Path Dependence: Opening the Black Box. In: Academy of Management Review 34 (4), S.689-709 .

Sydow, J. (2009): Path Dependencies in Project-Based Organizing – Evidence from Television Production in Germany. In: Journal of Media Business Studies 6 (4), S. 123-135.

Tepe, M./ Vanhuysse, P. (2009): Are Aging OECD Welfare States on the Path to the Politics of Gerontocracy? Evidence from 18 Democracies, 1980 - 2002. In: Journal of Public Policy 29 (1), S. 1-28.

Koch, J. (2008): Strategic Paths and Media Management: A Path Dependency Analysis of the German Newspaper Branch of High Quality Journalism. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 60 (1), S. 51-74.

Djelic, M./ Quack, S. (2007): Overcoming Path Dependencies - Path Generation in Open Systems. In: Theory and Society 36 (2), S.161-186.

Schreyögg, G./ Kliesch, M. (2007): How Dynamic Can Organizational Capabilities be? In: Strategic Management Journal 28 (9), S. 913-933.

Schreyögg, G./ Geiger, D. (2007): The Significance of Distinctiveness: A Proposal for Rethinking Organizational Knowledge. In: Organization 14, S. 77-100.

Schreyögg, G./ Kliesch, M. (2006): Zur Dynamisierung Organisationaler Kompetenzen - "Dynamic Capabilities" als Lösungsansatz? In: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 58, S. 455-476.

Morgan, G./ Quack, S. (2005): Institutional Legacies and Firm Dynamics: The Growth and Internationalization of UK and German Law Firms. In: Organization Studies 26, S. 1765-1785.

Schreyögg, G./ Geiger, D. (2005): Knowledge, Narrations and Connoisseurship: Revisiting the Foundations of Knowledge Management. In: International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1, S. 316-333.

Schreyögg, G./ Sydow, J./ Koch, J. (2003): Organisatorische Pfade - Von der Pfadabhängigkeit zur Pfadkreation? In: Schreyögg, G./ Sydow, J. (Hrsg.): Managementforschung 13. Gabler. Wiesbaden, S. 257-294.