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Inflation and Monetary Policy

The seminar will discuss the sources of the recent bout of inflation in the world’s main advanced economies and the role that macroeconomic policies play in bringing inflation back to target. Particular attention will be paid to central banks, the use and effects of monetary policy, the interaction of monetary policy with fiscal and financial policies, and the discussion about whether the “inflation targeting” framework might need an update. The seminar will take place on Friday, December 15, & Saturday, December 16, 2023.

The course requirements are:

1. A 20 min presentation on the topic that you choose from the list of seminar topics, followed by a discussion.

2. A written seminar paper on the same topic submitted by April 16, 2024.

The students will have to indicate their preferences (1,2 and 3) regarding the topics, which will then be assigned based on a first come, first served basis. Your final grade will be based on the presentation, your participation in class discussions, and the seminar paper.

(WiSe 2023/24)