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Research Topics on International (Business) Taxation

(WS 2023/24)

Dozent/inPranvera Shehaj, PhD

Research Topics in International (Business) Taxation is a seminar, which is conceptualized as a deliberation about international taxation issues. The seminar is addressed to both Master level candidates and PhD candidates.

In an interactive discussion of empirical and theoretical research studies, it aims to give an interdisciplinary grounding in taxation with topics in the background context of public economics, international economics, development economics, political economy, and international tax law. The seminar focuses on tax policy and international taxation issues, with an emphasis on MNEs' activities and the tax implications of these activities. Using both mandatory and suggested scientific literature, which has been decided upon for each topic's discussion, will help to address international taxation questions. The literature resembles a mix of theoretical and empirical research work, which the participants will analyze in a critical and analytical approach. The final purpose of the seminar is to spark new scientific inquiry and identify areas that require further research contribution in international (business) taxation.

The seminar is organized according to the following time schedule in 2024:

  • Registration: until 14th February
  • Frist paper draft: 12th March
  • Presentations: 14th-15th March
  • Final submission: 25th March

Please check our syllabus for more information on the organization and topics of the seminar:

You can freely enroll in our Blackboard course to take a look at the readings. You can find the course in Blackboard under the name "Research Topics on International (Business) Taxation WS 23/24" or the course ID "WIWISS_S_10147106_23W".

Please note that enrollment in Blackboard does not imply a final registration for the seminar. To register for the seminar please select one of the topics by providing your student ID and e-mail adress here (registration deadline: 14th February 2024).