Dr. Julia Wagner

Office hours
dienstags, 14.30 bis 16.00 Uhr nach Voranmeldung
Ms Wagner's work at the FU Berlin was sponsored by the tax consultancy Dr Jürgen Wagner.
1987 |
born in Berlin |
2006 | A-Levels |
2006 – 2009 | Studies in Business Administration, Economics at the University of Potsdam (B.Sc.) |
2009 – 2012 | Studies at the Free University of Berlin: Finance, Accounting, Taxation & Supplements (M.Sc.) |
2006 – 2012 | Student assistant in the tax consultancy office of Dr Jürgen Wagner |
seit Dezember 2012 | Employee in the tax consultancy office of Dr. Jürgen Wagner |
2013-2019 | Doctoral candidate at the Institute of Auditing and Taxation of Prof. Dr. Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Freie Universität Berlin |
2019 | Doctorate at the Department of Economics, FU Berlin |