Henni Appell
née Hensen
Dipl. Pol. Freie Universität Berlin School of Business and Economics
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Dissertation topic:
Persistence or Change? Tracing the Path of Trade Union Europeanization.
Within the debate of maintaining and creating a “European Social Model”, trade unions play a central role as a basic institutional pillar of social security. Increased transnational economic interactions would be an impelling reason for developing Europe-wide cooperation among trade unions: "Historically, as markets expanded, unions had to enlarge their strategic domain to keep workers from being played off against each other, undermining wage and labor standards" (Martin and Ross 1999: 312). Based on theories of institutional stability and change this dissertation seeks to explore how trade unions have responded to Europeanization.
09/2009 - 10/2009
Guest Researcher at the European Trade Union Institute, Brussels |
Since 4/2008 |
PhD Candidate, DFG Graduiertenkolleg „Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse“ |
10/2002 - 07/2007 |
Diploma Student Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin Thesis: Trading People for Power? Why Compliance with Core Labor Standards in Developing Countries is so low. |
2003 – 2004 |
Sciences Po Paris, Undergrad student Politicial Science |
2001 – 2002 |
Sorbonne Paris, Undergrad student French Studies |
Professional/Academic Experience:
2007 - 2008 |
Associate to the Dean (Michael Zürn), Hertie School of Governance |
2006 – 2007 |
Research Assistant to Stein Kuhnle, Hertie School of Governance Main research focus: universal pensions in developing countries, European and global social policy |
10/2006 – 12/2006 |
Visiting Researcher, Stein Rokkan Center for Social Policy |
11/2005 |
Cairo University, Research Seminar Euro-Mediterranean Partnership |
2005 – 2006 |
Project Support, Department for Public Sector Programmes Environment, Consumer Protection and Agriculture, Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) |
- Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft Spring Term 2008: Undergraduate Seminar „International Labor Standards“ (together with Friederike Hoffmann). View Syllabus here.
Research Focus:
- Global Social Policy
- International Labour Standards
- European Social Model
- Industrial Relations
- Path Creation
- International Institutions
- Hassel, A. / Hensen, H. / Sander, A. (2009): Global Labor, to be published in: Denemark, R.A. (ed.): The International Studies Compendium Project. Oxford: Blackwell. (peer reviewed)
- Hensen, H. (2008): Compliance with Core Labor Standards - Explaining (Non-) Compliance with Core Labor Standards in Developing Countries. VDM Verlag, München.
- Schiller, C., Hensen, H., Kuhnle, S., 2009 (forthcoming), Health Policy in a Globalizing World in Rune Ervik, Nanna Kildal and Even Nilssen, The Role of International Organizations in Social Policy. Ideas, Actors and Impact, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Hensen, H., 2008, Why is Compliance with Core Labour Standards in Developing Countries so Low?, in: Michael Fichter et al, Internationale Arbeitsstandards, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (forthcoming)
- Hensen, H., Hort, S. and Kuhnle, S., 2007, Globalization and the Scandinavian Welfare State, paper prepared for the workshop “Governing Global Social Policy and East Asia”, BK21 Governance Programme, Graduate School of Governance, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, 25-26 January 2007.
- Hensen, H., 2006, European Employment Strategy and Youth Unemployment, paper presented at the panel “Public Policies in Europe: Health and Employment”, ECPR Graduate Conference, University of Essex, UK, 09-11 September 2006.
- Hensen, H., 2005, Reform of the UN: Collective Security and Institutional Design, Workshop Summary Paper in: International Dialogue Berlin, New American Leadership and the United Nations, Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen Berlin-Brandenburg
- Since 2007 Member of the Editorial Board of the Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen (United Nations Journal)