Professor of Sociology at the Technical University Berlin
Vitae: Studies of Sociology and Social Sciences and Business Administration at the Universities of Bochum and Bielefeld and Northwestern University (USA). Research Assistant at the SOFI Goettingen and in the research unit for Organizational Management and Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Sociology in Bielefeld. From 1990 to 1999 Professor of Sociology and Applied Social Science in the field of labor, economy and technology at the Free University of Berlin. Since 1999 Professor of Sociology at the Technical University Berlin and since 2000 Managing Director of the Department of Sociology and Spokesman of the board of directors of the Center of Technology and Society at the Technical University Berlin. Engaged in the doctoral program “Comparison of Societies (Gesellschaften im Vergleich)” and since 2001 DFG-project funds in “Sozionik”. Managing Director of the German Journal of Sociology (Zeitschrift für Soziologie).
Research interests: Technikgenese (Telephone, PC, AI, Roboters, Video-Supervision), Regimes of Innovation and Biographies of Innovation,
Sozionik and Security in Social-Technical Systems.