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Specialization in Policy Analysis

This course's aim is to present international research in thefield of economic policy analysis.

  • Methods in Economic Policy-Analysis
  • Applied Economic Policy Analysis
  • Area Studies in Economic Policy Analysis

Modul: Methods in Economic Policy Analysis

Goal of the Course

Students will become familar with contemporary international research in the field of economic policy analysis. You will be asked to find methods in order to analyze certain policies with economic and political relevanz alone or in groups. You will be able to reflect on the limits and ciriticisms of the methods used. Lastly, you will be able to present your results both in written and oral form.


Modern theoretical and emprical Methods (difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, randomized control trials) in economic policy analysis: Finance and Economic Policies, Family Policies, Education Policies, Competative Economics, Developmental Economics, Innovation Economics, Labor Market Economics, Social Polices, Taxation Policies, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies

Modul: Applied Economic Policy Analysis

Goal of this Course

Students will learn the applied methods used in economic policy analysis. You will be asked to analyze particular policies of your own choice or assigned in a sceintific and evidence based manner. You will need to consider institutional and legal components -like gender and diversity- in your analysis in order to evaluate policy suggestions and their alternatives critically. Lastly, you will be able to present your results both in written and oral form.


Applied economic policy analysis: Finance and Economic Policies, Family Policies, Education Policies, Competative Economics, Developmental Economics, Innovation Economics, Labor Market Economics, Social Polices, Taxation Policies, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies, European Integration Policies.

Modul: Area Studies in Economic Policy Analysis 

Goal of this Course

Students will learn research fields of economic political analysis in relation to a particular region.  You will be asked to find methods in order to analyze certain policies with economic and political relevanz alone or in groups. You will learn interdisciplinary approaches to policy analysis, which you will apply to your own research. In particular, you will learn the regional historical, social, and institutional dynamics as well as gender and diversity aspects.


Methods and applied economic policy analysis: Trade and Finance Policies, Migration and Health Economics, Disparity and wealth distribution with gender and diversity perspective, all in a particular region (Latin America, Eastern Europe, and North America