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Specialization in Theory

The Theory courses provide the methods and practices used in theoretical economics.


  • Methods in Economic Theory
  • Applied Economic Theory
  • Area Studies in Economic Theory

Modul: Methods in Economic Theory 

Goal of the Course

Students will learn modern methods of economic theory. Through contemporary works, you learn current models and use these models to answer your own questions. Additionally, you will refelect upon the limitations and criticisms of these models. And you will be able to present your opinions and reseach in both written and orally.


Theoretical Microeconomics: Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Contract and Information Theory, Game Theory, Industrial Organization Economics, Behavioral Economics, Labor Market Economics.

Theoretical Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy, Recession Theory, Growth Theory, Money Theory and Public Finance (Tax Theory and Allocation Theory).

Modul: Applied Economic Theory 

Goal of this Course

Students will learn how economic theory is applied in research. You will identify economic problems and with the help of theoretical models analyse them empiracly individually or in groups. You will have the oppurtunity on hand theoretical models to look at and evaluate institutional, legal, and social areas of interest, like gender and diversity topics, or concrete political policies. The results of your work will be presented in the written and oral form.


Applied theoretical Microeconomics, Macroeconomincs, and Public Finance: Enviromental Economics, Health Economics, Mechanism Design, Competative Econimcis, Industrial Organization Economics, Behavioral Economics, Fiscal Policy, Recession Policies, Growth Policies, Monetary Policies.

Modul: Area Studies in Economic Theory 

Goal of the course

Students will learn to examine certain regions with theoretical methods and models of economics. You will use context specific models and methods to examine contemporary research in the particular region. In paticular, you will become more familiar with the institutional, historical, and social aspects of the particular regions.


Normative and positive models and methods of contempary economics: Economic History, Developmental Economics, and comparative econoimcs with a focus on Latin America, Eastern Europe, and North America.