Doctoral Courses
You can attend course at the Berlin School of Economics (BSE) during your Master's. These courses can be accredited to your Master's as well as a future Doctorate.
All the courses from the first year of study at the BSE are open to you and are listed below.
- Advanced Economic Theory
- Advanced Empirical Economics
- Advanced Economic Policy Analysis
- Advanced Quantitative Economics
- Advanced Statistical Methods
Modul: Advanced Economic Theory
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge of complex theoretical models and their applications in current economic research. You will be asked identify scenarios where these models can be applied and to analyze them theoretically. You are able to judge the axioms of a model and reflect about context specific applications of the model. You can apply the model to an indivdually developed research question and present the results both orally and in written form.
Current areas of research in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Finance.
Modul: Advanced Empirical Economics
Goal of the Course
Students have advanced knowledge of econometric methods and models. You will be asked to use this knowledge to answer certain economic questions. You understand complex identification stratigies of emprical research and can explain this to other specialists in the field in both the written and oral form. You will be asked to think critically on the assumptions of certain empirical methods and to judge the merit of such methods used in research.
Advanced methods, models, and research question in modern econometric analysis and their applications: Emprical Microeconomics, empirical Macroeconomics, and emprical Finance
Modul: Advanced Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge of methods and application in modern economic political analysis. You will be asked to apply important and advanced empirical and theoretical knowledge in the policy analysis of a particular policy alone or in groups. You can present the results of your research to specialists in the field and the general public. You are also able to reflect on the limits and assumptions of your own analysis. Students can evaluate particular policies and develop alternatives.
Advanced research question in economic policy analysis: Applied Macroeconomics, Applied Microeconomics, and Applied Public Finance
Modul: Advanced Quantitative Economics
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge in statistical methods and models. You will be asked to capture these models and methods with mathematical exactness and to analyze them. You thus understand the underlying assumptions and can reflect upon them critically. You can apply these methods and models to complex data structures.
Advanced methods und research questions in statistics and econometrics: advanced survey statistics, high-dimensional statistical methods, structural microeconometrics, stochastic optimization, Monte Carlo based methods, Big Data
Modul: Advanced Statistical Methods
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge of statistical methods and data analysis. You will be asked to deduce new statistical process and apply them to data analysis. You can thus think critically about the assumptions and limits of statistical processes in research you develop individually.
Advanced Methods of Statistics: Baysian estimation, Variance estimation process, multiple Imputation, small area estimation