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Interdiciplinary qualifications

With interdisciplinary qualification course, you can improve your professional profile.


  • Law for Public Economists
  • Practical Methods for Public Economists
  • Knowledge Transfer

Modul: Law for Public Economists 

Goal of this Course

Students have previous knowledge of legal questions in relation to Public Finance. You will be asked to consider the legal aspects of economic analysis. You can recognize legal issues and include the legal aspect in your analysis.


Legal standards in Economics: Income Tax Policy, Social Insurance Laws, Collective Bargaining Rights

Modul: Practical Methods for Public Economists 

Goals of the Course

Students have previous knowledge of methods and instruments of analysis used in economics. You can apply these methods to a particual problem alone or in a group. You understand the axiomes and limits of these methods and instruments in different applications. You can also fit these methods to a particular question.


Modern methods in the practice of economics: Cost-Benefit-Analysis, Input-Output-Tables, Model Simulation.

Modul: Knowledge Transfer

Goals of the Course

Students are asked to communicate and explain complex economic and finacial issues to the general public. You are able to describe and communicate theoretical and empirical economic research in practical situations (Policy Consultation or in the Media). Students can present and summarize such a theme in a technical paper and present it using modern digital techniques.


Education in nicht formal but more genrally of complex financial and economic relationships, communicate this to the general public clearly, to write and present in a non-technical general fashion current economic themes, use of modern digital communication tools (blogs, podcasts), guide or instruct groups in the context of tutorials.