Prof. Dr. Anja Kirsch
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Management Department
Academic Positions
Professor, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, since 2021.
Research Fellow, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, 2011-2021.
Lecturer, Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sydney, Australia, 2009 – 2011.
Research Assistant and Tutor, Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sydney, Australia, 2004 – 2008.
Habilitation at Freie Universität Berlin, School of Business and Economics, 2020.
PhD at the University of Sydney, Australia, Faculty of Economics and Business, Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies, 2008.
Masters of Arts in Public Policy and Management (Diplom Verwaltungswissenschaft), University of Konstanz, Germany, 2004.
Selected Grants, Scholarships and Awards
2023: Spotlight Program grant for the project "Electric Battery Global Value Chains".
2022-23: Center for International Cooperation Internationalization Booster for the project "A Just Transition for Autoworkers? E-mobility and Restructuring in Transatlantic Comparison".
2020-2023: Berlin University Alliance research grant for the collaborative project "The Laws of Social Cohesion".
2018-2019: Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum research grant for the project "Men on Boards".
2017: German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA) Best Paper Award 2015/16 for the article „Erneuerung durch Umstrukturierung? Zu den Auswirkungen von Gewerkschaftsfusionen“ in the journal Industrielle Beziehungen.
2013-2018: European Commission FP7 Marie Curie Career Integration Grant for the project “Women in the Boardroom: Institutional and Organizational Approaches to Gender Equality” (BOARDEQUALITY).
2009: University of Sydney Faculty Research Grant for the project “Union Revitalization: The Impact of Gender Equality Policies”.
2005–2006: Doctoral Fellowship at the Hans-Böckler-Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2004–2007: Australian Postgraduate Award and University of Sydney School of Business Postgraduate Supplementary Scholarship.
Dupuis, M., Greer, I., Kirsch, A., Lechowski, G., Park, D., & Zimmermann, T. (2024) A just transition for auto workers? Negotiating the electric vehicle transition in Germany and North America. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, online first.
Sondergeld, V., Wrohlich, K., & Kirsch, A. (2024) Managerinnen-Barometer 2024. DIW Wochenbericht 3/2024. Also published in English as: Women Executives Barometer 2024. DIW Weekly Report 3/2024.
Doellgast, V., Greer, I., & Kirsch, A. (2023) Fairer Wandel für Arbeitnehmer*innen in der Automobilindustrie? In Proff, H. (Hg.) Towards the New Normal in Mobility. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler: 763-775.
Kirsch, A., Puhl, C., & Rosenbohm, S. (2023) Globale Rahmenabkommen als Werkzeug zur Regulierung von Arbeitsstandards in Lieferketten? Ein Überblick über die Verbreitung von Globalen Rahmenabkommen und ihre Regelungen zur Umsetzung in die Praxis. In Haipeter, T., Helfen, M., Kirsch, A., & Rosenbohm, S. (Hg.) Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten: Internationale Richtlinien, unternehmerische Verantwortung und die Stimme der Beschäftigten. Transcript: 27-54.
Haipeter, T., Helfen, M., Kirsch, A., & Rosenbohm, S. (Hg.) (2023) Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten: Internationale Richtlinien, unternehmerische Verantwortung und die Stimme der Beschäftigten. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Kirsch, A., Sondergeld, V., Thompson, P.A. & Wrohlich, K. (2023) Managerinnen-Barometer 2023. DIW Wochenbericht 3/2023. Also published in English as: Women Executives Barometer 2023. DIW Weekly Report 3+4/2023.
Kirsch, A. (2022) Revolution from above? Female directors’ equality-related actions in organizations. Business & Society, 61(3): 572-605.
Kirsch, A., Sondergeld, V., & Wrohlich, K. (2022) Managerinnen-Barometer 2022. DIW Wochenbericht 3/2022. Also published in English as: Women Executives Barometer 2022. DIW Weekly Report 3+4/2022.
Kirsch A. (2021) Women on Board Policies in Member States and the Effects on Corporate Governance. Study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, December 7.
Haipeter, T., Helfen, M., Kirsch, A., Rosenbohm, S., & Üyük, C. (2021) Industrial relations at centre stage: Efficiency, equity and voice in the governance of global labour standards. Industrielle Beziehungen 28(2): 147-171.
Keller, B. & Kirsch, A. (2021) Employment Relations in Germany. In Bamber, G., Cooke, F.L., Doellgast, V. & Wright, C.F. (eds.) International and Comparative Employment Relations: Global Crises and Institutional Responses. 7th ed., London: Sage.
Kirsch, A. & Wrohlich, K. (2021) Managerinnen-Barometer. DIW Wochenbericht 3/2021. Also published in English as: Women Executives Barometer. DIW Weekly Report 3+4/2021.
Kirsch, A. & Wrohlich, K. (2020) Managerinnen-Barometer. DIW Wochenbericht 4/2020. Also published in English as: Women Executives Barometer. DIW Weekly Report 4+5/2020.
Jackson, G., Helfen, M., Kaplan, R., Kirsch, A., & Lohmeyer, N. (2019) The problem of de-contextualization in organization and management research. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Volume 59 (The Production of Managerial Knowledge and Organizational Theory: New Approaches to Writing, Producing and Consuming Theory): 21-42.
Kirsch, A. (2018) The gender composition of corporate boards: A review and research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly29(2). 346-364.
Kirsch, A. (2017) Women’s access to boards in Germany: regulation and symbolic change. In Seierstad, C., Gabaldon, P. & Mensi-Klarbach, H. (eds.): Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: The Use of Different Quota Regulations. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan: 205-232.
Keller, B. & Kirsch, A. (2016) Employment Relations in Germany, in Bamber, G., Lansbury, R.D., Wailes, N. & Wright, C.F.(eds.) International and Comparative Employment Relations: National Regulation and Global Changes. 6th ed., London: Sage: 179-207.
Holst, E. & Kirsch, A. (2016) Managerinnen-Barometer. DIW Wochenbericht 2/2016. Also published in English as: Women Executive Barometer. DIW Economic Bulletin 3/2016.
Holst, E. & Kirsch, A. (2015) Managerinnen-Barometer. DIW Wochenbericht 4/2015. Also published in English as: Women Executive Barometer. DIW Economic Bulletin 4/2015.
Kirsch, A. (2015) Erneuerung durch Umstrukturierung? Zu den Auswirkungen von Gewerkschaftsfusionen. Industrielle Beziehungen 22(2): 116-141.
Holst, E. & Kirsch, A. (2014) Managerinnen-Barometer. DIW Wochenbericht 3/2014. Also published in English as: Female Executive Barometer. DIW Economic Bulletin 3/2014.
Jackson, G. & Kirsch, A. (2014): Employment Relations in Liberal Market Economies. In Wilkinson, A., Wood, G. & Deeg, R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations: Comparative Employment Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 263-291.
Kirsch, A. & Blaschke, S. (2014) Women’s quotas and their effects: A comparison of Austrian and German trade unions. European Journal of Industrial Relations 20(3): 201-217.
Kirsch, A. (2013): Union revitalisation through gender equality in the German service sector union ver.di, in: Ledwith, S. and Hansen, L.L. (eds.): Gendering and Diversifying Trade Union Leadership, New York: Routledge: 222-244.
Kirsch, A. and Wailes, N. (2012): Varieties of Employment Relations: Continuity and Change in the Global Auto and Banking Industries, International Journal of Human Resource Management 23(10): 1967-1982.
Cutcher, L., Kirsch, A., and Lansbury, R.D. (2012): The ‘Lucky’ LME: The Mediation of Globalising Effects on Employment Relations in the Australian Auto Assembly and Retail Banking Industries, International Journal of Human Resource Management 23(10): 1999-2015.
Keller, B. and Kirsch, A. (2011) Employment Relations in Germany, in Bamber, G., Lansbury, R. and Wailes, N. (eds) International and Comparative Employment Relations: Globalisation and Change, 5th ed., Sydney: Allen & Unwin; London: Sage.
Wailes, N., Lansbury, R. and Kirsch, A. (2009) Globalisation and Varieties of Employment Relations: An International Study of the Automotive Assembly Industry, Labour and Industry, 20(1): 89-106.
Blanpain, R., Lansbury, R., Wailes, N., Kitay, J. and Kirsch, A. (eds) (2008) Globalization and Employment Relations in the Auto Assembly Industry: A Study of Seven Countries (Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 64), Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
Wailes, N., Lansbury, R., Kitay, J. and Kirsch, A. (2008) Introductory Chapter: Globalization, Varieties of Capitalism and Employment Relations in the Automotive Assembly Industry, Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 64.
Ishida, M., Ono, A., Mitani, N., Tomita, Y. and Kirsch, A. (2008) The Automotive Industry in Japan, Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 64.
Lansbury, R., Wailes, N., and Kirsch, A. (2008) Concluding Chapter: Globalization, Continuity and Change: The Automotive Assembly Industry, Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 64.
Kirsch, A. (2008) Union Mergers as a Revitalization Strategy and the Role of Post-merger Integration: The Case of Ver.di in Germany, PhD Thesis, University of Sydney.