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Online Workshop 2024

Value and Valuation Practices Emerging from Economics,
Sociology, and Management
Paper Development Online Workshop
May 14th, 2024

10:00 to 16:00 CEST

We would like to promote research and publication opportunities on value and valuation with an invitation to participate in an online workshop on May 14th, 10:30 to 16:00 pm (CEsT). We invite research proposals that address value and valuation practicesemerging from economics (e.g., political economy), sociology (e.g., new economicsociology), and management (e.g., public management or public policy). This specification is not intended to exclude research traditions, but rather to specify general lines of thought that may be present in many research areas or approaches. The workshop aims to identify clusters of topics and/or papers suitable for submission to a prestigious journal interested in this flourishing field. Thus, the workshop is not the place to discuss papers in an early stage of development. We welcome expressions of interest in participating in this workshop in response to this invitation.

Call for Papers
