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This is the our central dissertation and PhD projects page (for English and German version). For further information, please contact us!

Finished PhD Projects

PhD Student

Topic of the dissertation

Dr. Florian Hauck

Selected Topics on the Analysis and Application of Train Delay Data

Dr. Julian Reisch

Railway Timetable Optimization

Dr. Nils Olsen

Electromobility in Public Transport: Scheduling of Electric Vehicles and Location Planning of the Charging Infrastructure

Dr. Charlotte Köhler

Data-driven and routing-based customer acceptance for attended home deliveries

Dr. Lena Wolbeck

Optimization and Advanced Analytics to Increase Fairness and Employee Satisfaction

Dr. Clemens Wickboldt Decision Analytics and Decentralized Ledger Technologies for Determination and Preservation of Spare Part Value in Aircraft Maintenance
Dr. Lucian Ionescu

Robust Efficiency of Airline Resource Schedules, 2018

Dr. Daniel Kadatz

Uncertainties and Risks in Airline Revenue Management – Capacity Uncertainty as a Showcase, 2017

Dr. Bastian Amberg

Robuste Effizienz in der Umlauf- und Dienstplanung im ÖPNV, 2017

Dr. Sebastian Vock

Customers' Preferential Choice for Manifestations of Flexible Products, 2016

Dr. Boris Amberg

Ressourceneinsatzplanung im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr: Ähnlichkeitsaspekte in der fahrplanübergreifenden Optimierung, 2014

Dr. Daniel Fürstenau

Standard Diffusion in Networks: A Set of Models to Analyze IT Infrastructure Path Dependance, 2014

Dr. Felix Obschonka

Integrating Unlocking of Organizational Paths into an Agent-Based Simulation Model, 2014

Dr. Benedikt Zimmermann

Revenue Management with Repeated Competitive Interactions, 2014

Dr. Philipp Bartke

Demand Estimation in Airline Revenue Management, 2013

Dr. Max Gerlach

Decentralized Code-Share Revenue Management in Airline Alliances, 2013

Dr. Eva Carola Seidel

Path Dependence and the Environmental Context. An Inquiry into the Effects of Environmental Complexity and Turbulence on Path Dependence in Organizational Learning, 2013

Dr. Viktor Dück

Increasing Stability of Aircraft and Crew Schedules, 2010

Dr. Stefan Bunte

Lösungen für Anwendungsfälle der Fahrzeugumlaufplanung im Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr, 2009

Dr. Catherine Cleophas

Simulation-Based Analysis of Forecast Performance Evaluations for Airline Revenue Management, 2009

Current PhD Projects


Thema der Dissertation

Paolo Graniero

Data Analytics for Solar Energy Yield and Optimization Possibilities for Load Management of Electric Buses

Florian Hauck

Strategische Fahrplanoptimierung zur Erhöhung der erwarteten Pünktlichkeit im Schienenverkehr

David Rößler

Topics in integrated planning and scheduling in public transport

Lucas Mertens

Integrated optimization of problems in public transport

Jan Zedel

RAPADO-Schaffung eines Rahmenwerkes und einer Plattform für die authentifizierte, verschlüsselte und validierte Ablage von Dokumentationen von Flugzeugersatzteilen zur Standardisierung durch die Aufsichtsbehörden
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