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Project-Related Publications

Schiemer, B. (2004): It’s About What Happens in the Meantime: The Temporal Interplay of Individual and Collective Creativity  Organization Science 35, (informs.org)

Zangerle. K., Dobusch, L., Weistopf, R. (2024) “Barracudas, Piranhas and crowds: making ideas valuable in pharmaceutical innovation through opening and closing practices of valuation”. Innovation: Organization & Management, 26 (https://doi.org/10.1080/14479338.2024.2339257)

Otto, B. D., Schuessler, E. S., Sydow, J., & Vogelgsang, L. (2024). Finding creativity in predictability: Seizing kairos in chronos through temporal work in complex innovation processes. Organization Science Finding Creativity in Predictability: Seizing Kairos in Chronos Through Temporal Work in Complex Innovation Processes | Organization Science (informs. org)

Hondros, K. (2023): Liminale Kreativität - Praktiken kleinster Transformationen in der Produktion von Soundalikes,  Büchner-Verlag, Marburg.

Theel, T./Sydow, J. (2024): Organizing creativity with constraints – Insights from popular music songwriting teams. In: Journal of Management Inquiry 33 (im Druck).

Schiemer, B., Schüßler, E., Theel, T. et al. (2023). Regulating nimbus and focus: Organizing copresence for creative collaboration. Organization Studies, 44(4), 545-568.

Hondros, K., Vogelgsang, L. (2022). Emerging novelty through imitation? Discovering emulation in process of creating alikeness. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 77, 89-110.

Vogelgsang, L. (2022). When creativity gets you fired—why professionals tasked with innovation employ subversion when facing competing institutional demands in hybrid organizations. Journal of Professions and Organization, 00, 1-21.

Dobusch, L., Hondros, K., Quack, S., & Zangerle, K. (2021). Between anxiety and hope? How actors experience regulatory uncertainty in creative processes in music and pharma. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 75, pp. 137–160. 

Thiel, J. & Grabher, G. (2021). Embracing Temporal Ambiguities? Innovation and the Temporalities of Large-Scale Projects. In: In: Thiel, J., V. Dimitrova and Ruge, J. (eds.). ConstructingInnovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 111-126.  

Melchior, A. (2021). Neu, wertvoll, kreativ: Die Generierung und Bewertung von Ideen im kreativen Prozess pharmazeutischer F&E Projekte. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. 

Schüßler, E., Svejenova, S., Cohendet, P. (2021). Organizing creativity for innovation: Situated practices and process perspectives. Research in the Sociology of Organizations., (75) 1-16.

Schmidt, T., Sydow, J. (2021). Innovation und Kreativität in der Unternehmensgründung. In: Blättel-Mink, B./Schulz-Schaeffer, I./Windeler, A. (Eds.): Handbuch Innovationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 295-314.

Schüßler, E., Schiemer, B. (2021). Innovation und Organisation. In: Blättel-Mink, B./Schulz-Schaeffer, I./Windeler, A. (Eds.): Handbuch der Innovationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Spinger VS, 395-410.

Schiemer, B., Duffner, R., Ayers, S. (2021). Theories of Creativity: The Significance of the Insignificant. A Graphic Novel. Sociologica, 15(1), 163-191. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1971-8853/12775

Otto, B., Schüßler, E., & Zangerle, K. (2020). Greenhouses are made of glass. Tensions in experimental spaces for creative collaboration in front-end pharmaceutical research. In: Montanari, F., Eikhof, D.R., Mattarelli, E., & Scapolan, A. (Eds.). The collaborative turn. How collaborative spaces foster collaboration and creativity. London: Routledge, 238-251, pdf: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/collaborative-spaces-work-fabrizio-montanari-elisa-mattarelli-anna-chiara-scapolan/e/10.4324/9780429329425  

Melchior, A., Schiemer, B. & Grabher, G. (2020). „Hägerstrand online“: Ein methodisches Konzept zur Analyse raumzeitlicher Trajektorien in Kollaborationen. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 78(1): 1–13

Schiemer, B., Schüßler, E., Grabher, G. (2020). Collaborative innovation online: Entanglements of the making of content, skills, and community on a songwriting platform. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 57 (64): 293–316.

Schmidt, T., Sydow, J. (2020). Innovation und Kreativität in der Unternehmensgründung. In: Blättel-Mink, B./Schulz-Schaeffer, I./Windeler, A. (Eds.): Handbuch Innovationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Ortmann, G., Sydow, J. (2019). Kreative Organisation? In Ketten tanzen. In: Großmann, A. (Hrsg.): Kreativität denken und gestalten. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 89 - 102.

Schüßler, E., Schiemer, B. (2019). Innovation und Organisation. In: Blättel-Mink, B./Schulz-Schaeffer, I./Windeler, A. (Eds.): Handbuch der Innovationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Spinger VS. (in print).

Ortmann, G., Sydow, J. (2018). Creativity in/of organizations for managing things to come – Lessons to be learnt from philosophy. In: Krämer, H./Wenzel, M. (Eds.): How Organizations Manage the Future: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 67-88.

Grabher, G. (2018). Marginality as strategy: Leveraging peripherality for creativity. Environment and Planning A, 50 (8): 1785-1794.

Sydow, J. (2018). From dualisms to dualities: On researching creative processes in the arts and sciences. Environment and Planning A, 50(8): 1795-1801.

Lange, B., Schüßler, E. (2018). Unpacking the middleground of creative cities: Spatiotemporal dynamics in the configuration of the Berlin design field. Regional Studies, 52(11): 1548-1558.

Grabher, G., Melchior, A., Schiemer, B., Schüßler, E. and Sydow, J. (2018). From being there to being aware. Confronting geographical and sociological imaginations of copresence. Environment and Planning A 50 (1): 245-255.

Braun, T., Ferreira, A., Schmidt, T. and Sydow, J. (2018). Another Post-heroic View on Entrepreneurship: The Role of Employees in Networking the Start-up Process. British Journal of Management 29 (4), 652-669. 

Fortwengel, J., Schüßler, E., Sydow, J. (2017). Studying Organizational Creativity as Process: Fluidity or Duality? Creativity and Innovation Management 26 (1): 5-16.

Schüßler, E., Sydow, J. (2015). Organized Events at the Front- and Backstage of the Creative Industries. In Jones, C., Lorenzen, M. and Sapsed, J. (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 284-300.

Schüßler, E., Grabher, G., Müller-Seitz, G. (2015). Field-configuring Events as Arenas of Learning and Innovation. Industry & Innovation 21 (7): 165-172.

Grabher, G., Ibert, O. (2014). Distance as Asset? Knowledge Collaboration in Hybrid Virtual Communities. Journal of Economic Geography 14 (1): 97-123.

Dobusch, L., Schüßler, E. (2014). Copyright Reform and Business Model Innovation: Regulatory Propaganda at German Music Industry Conferences. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 83: 24-39.

Costas, J., Grey, C. (2014). Bringing Secrecy into the Open: Towards a Theorization of the Social Processes of Organizational Secrecy. Organization Studies 35 (10): 1423-1447.

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