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OC-Project "Temporary Co-Presence" will Present first Research Findings at International Conferences

News vom 08.05.2017

OC-Project I.2 “Organizing Temporary Copresence to Induce and Cope with Uncertainty in Creative Processes“ of the Research Unit „Organized Creativity“ Presents First Research Findings at Three International Conferences

1. The presentation “The Messy Socio-spatial Trajectories of Knowledge – Tracing Creative Projects in Pharma and Music”  was already held by Alice Melchior at  the American Association of Geographers‚ (AAG) Annual Meeting (April 5-9) in Boston.  

The focus of this talk was on three important aspects of knowledge production: scales, physical copresence and virtual copresence. Based on preliminary findings from the music and pharmaceutical field, the presentation took issue with the prevailing binary physical perception of copresence (i.e. actors are copresent or absent). By elucidating the social construction of different dimensions of copresence and the increasing hybridization of online copresence and offline absence the presentation advanced a more nuanced and conceptually richer understanding of the notion of copresence. 

2. Two papers will be presented at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium „The Good Organization: Aspirations, Interventions, Struggles“, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark, July 6–8, 2017:

a) “Being There: The Social Construction of (Physical and Virtual) Copresence” by Gernot Grabher, Alice Melchior, Benjamin Schiemer, Elke Schüßler and Jörg Sydow at Sub-theme No. 35: “Organizing Space and Spacing within Temporal Contexts”.

b) “Virtual Songwriting: Fostering Creative Processes through ‘Challenge’ and ‘Collaboration’” by Benjamin Schiemer, Elke Schüßler, and Jörg Sydow at Sub-theme No. 03: “New Frontiers for the Creative Industries: Digitization, Mediation and Valuation”. 

3. One paper entitled “Music Collectives in Vienna’s Jazzscene: Organizing and Perceiving Copresence to Make Music and Navigate Uncertainty” by Gernot Grabher, Benjamin Schiemer and Elke Schüßler will be presented at the international interdisciplinary conference on musical creativity, economy and labour “The Place of Music”, Centre for Research in Communication and Culture, Loughborough University, England, June 28-29, 2017.

Another paper for the Vienna Music Business Research Days “Unchaining the Digital Music Business”, Vienna, Austria, September 12-14, 2017, by Benjamin Schiemer is still under review. 

Scholars from economic geography, management studies and organizational sociology participate in the interdisciplinary DFG Research Unit “Organized Creativity” that started working in Summer 2016. The Research Unit is coordinated by Jörg Sydow, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin. For more information visit Organized Creativity or sign up as a follower on Research Gate.

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