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Umwandlungs- und Insolvenzrecht

Conversion and Insolvency Law (Subarea of Law)


Lecturer: Florian Brügel, Henning Mordhorst (White & Case)


Learning Objectives

This module conveys the capabilities which are necessary to understand the composition and structure of processes according to conversion and insolvency law. The main feature of the module is the method of realising the reorganisation possibilities according to conversion law as well as from insolvency cases. After completing this module, the students will be able to recognise reorganisation processes according to conversion law (UmwG), to evaluate them and to resolve individual issues.

Regarding insolvency cases, the aim of the module is the recognition of the specific company relevant characteristics and assessment of issues of practical relevance. The students will learn to recognise problems relevant to conversion and insolvency law, consider systematic ways of solutions and evaluate them appropriately.


The basics of conversion law, change of forms from stock company to partnerships, mergers of all company forms

Special issues: reorganisation audits and industrial law, mergers, disinvestments, other transfers (e.g. de facto splitting); basics of insolvency law, opening an insolvency process, an open process, asset distribution and ending a process, special processes, insolvency plan processes, international insolvency law, special topics with practical relevance (agreement of subordinate claims, comfort letters).





Forms of Teaching and Learning Classrooms Presence in Hours Forms of Active Participation Workload in Hours
Lecture, Tutorial 4 hours per week Discussion of selected issues, opinions on theses, discussion on tutorial assignments on the course content Lecture attendance 60

Preparation and studying of subject matter 45

Tutorial assignments 15

Preparation and taking of exam 30


Language: German

Total workload: 150

Module duration: One semester

Module frequency: Every fall semester

Prerequisites: None. Completion of a course covering the modules “Private Law”, ”Employment Law” and “Commercial and “Company Law” of the Bachelor program of study “Business Studies” at the Freie Universität Berlin is strongly recommended


