Prof. Dr. Michaela Haase

Freie Universität Berlin
Marketing Department
Extraordinary Professor
Focus areas: Marketing and Ethics, Value and Valuation Research
Office hours
For current consultation hours, please see here.
Personal development
- 1981 - 1987: Studies of economics, political science, and philosophy of science at Freie Universität Berlin
- Until 1994: Research assistant at the institute for philosophy of science at Freie Universität Berlin
- 1993: Disputation, title of the dissertation thesis: Galileische Idealisierung: Ein pragmatisches Konzept (summa cum laude)
- 1994 - 2002: Assistant professor (wiss. Assistentin) at the Institut für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre at Freie Universität Berlin
- November 1999: Habilitation and venia legendi (School of Business and Economics, Freie Universität Berlin), title of the habilitation thesis: Institutionenökonomische Betriebswirtschaftstheorie: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre auf sozial- und institutionentheoretischer Grundlage
- 2000 - 2001: Visiting scholar at the economics department of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
- 2004: Assistant prof. (Oberassistenz) at the School of Business and Economics at Freie Universität Berlin
- 2004 - 2006: Supervision of the EU-funded project „Unternehmertum in der Wissensgesellschaft“
- 2007 - 2008: Head of the accreditation project for the Franz Oppenheimer College – International University in the course of formation
- 2010 - 2011: Head of Research at the Institute for Markt-Umwelt-Gesellschaft in Hannover
- 2012-2013: Substitute professor for Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Institute of Economics, Faculty of Philosophy and Department of Theology of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Until 2018: Supervision of the DFG project „Social Value und Social Enterprise: eine institutionentheoretische und ideologiekritische Analyse“
- 2020: Extraordinary professor at Freie Universität Berlin
- 2018-2021: Project lead of the DFG project “Social Value and Social Enterprise: An Institutional Theory and Ideology-Critical Analysis”
2022-2025: Project lead of the DFG project “Value and Social Enterprise – Valuation and Evaluation Processes in the Coordination of Market and Non-Market Actions”
Research foci
- Service(s) Marketing
- Social Enterprise
- Business Ethics
- Macromarketing
- Philosophy of Science
Here you can find Prof. Dr. Michaela Haase's list of publications.
These are three recent publications (Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics):
- Customer Integration and Beyond - Towards a Business Economic-Ethical Theory of the Firm
- Stakeholder Approach und Leistungslehre - Ansatzpunkte einer betriebswirtschaftlich-ethischen Theorie der Unternehmung
- Values-Based Value Creation and Responsibility: On the Relationship of "Doing Business" and "Doing CSR"
by courtesy of Rainer Hampp Verlag (
Further downloads:
Review von Jackall, R., The World of Corporate Managers – Twentieth Anniversary Edition, Oxford University Press, New York 2010, Management International Review, Online publiziert am 12.1.2012
Die ökonomische und ethische Verantwortung von Anbieter und Nachfrager – Zur Sichtweise neuerer Ansätze in der Marketingwissenschaft,created within the lecture series "Ethik der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung"