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Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften / Publications in refereed journals:

“Parental Leave, (In)formal Child-care and Long-term Child Outcome” Journal of Human resources, 2020 (with Martin Halla, Nicole Schneeweis, and Martina Zweimüller). For Working Paper version click here (August 2020).

“Job Satisfaction and Sorting into the Public and Private Sector: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.” Labour Economics, 2019, Vol. 57: 46-62.

Paid Parental Leave and Children’s Schooling Outcomes.” The Economic Journal, 2018, Vol. 128 (608): 81-117 (with V. Lavy) 
News, April 25, 2019: This articlehas been included in the inaugural Virtual Issue of The Economic Journal and can be downloaded here (temporary open access).

The Long-Run Consequences of Chernobyl: Evidence on Subjective Well-Being, Mental Health and Welfare.” Journal of Public Economics, 2016, Vol. 135: 47–60.(with A. Danzer)

Fixed-Term Employment and Fertility: Evidence from German Micro Data.” CESifo Economic Studies, 2016, Vol. 62 (4): 595-623.(with W. Auer)

Poverty during Transition: Household Survey Evidence from Ukraine.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 2010, Vol. 38, 2: 123–145. (with T. Brück, A. Danzer, A. Muravyev)


Buchkapitel / Book Chapters

Labour Market Restructuring and Poverty: Evidence from Ukraine.” 
In: Brück, T. and H. Lehmann (Eds.): In the Grip of Transition: Economic and Social Consequences of Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012: 173-204. (with T. Brück, A. Danzer, A. Muravyev)

Fostering Growth in CEE countries: a country-tailored approach to growth policy.” In: Radosevic, S. and A. Kaderabkova (Eds.): Challenges for European Innovation Policy. Cohesion and Excellence from a Schumpeterian Perspective. Cheltenham (UK), Northhampton (US): Edward Elgar, 2011: 47-76. (with P. Aghion and H. Harmgart)

Fostering growth in transition economies.” In: Growth in transition. EBRD: Transition Report 2008, Chapter 3: 48-63. (with P. Aghion and H. Harmgart)


Politikorientierte Veröffentlichungen / Policy-Related Publications

"Berufsabschluss durch Weiterbildung. Zur Wirksamkeit beruflicher Nachqualifizierung", Studie von Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2022 (Timm Bönke, Luisa Hammer und Dominik Hügle)

“Kita- und Schulschließungen haben bei westdeutschen Vätern Einstellung zur Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern verändert”, DIW Wochenbericht 34-2021 (with Mathias Huebener, Astrid Pape, C.Katharina Spieß, Gert G. Wagner)

“Kita- und Schulschließungen gefährden egalitäre Einstellungen zur Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern”, Ökonomenstimme, 9 August 2021 (with Mathias Huebener, Astrid Pape, Nico A. Siegel, C. Katharina Spieß, Gert G. Wagner)

Bildung ermöglichen! Unterricht und frühkindliches Lernen trotz teilgeschlossener Schulen und Kitas" (mit Alexander M. Danzer, Christina Felfe de Ormeno, C. Katharina Spieß, Simon Wiederhold, Ludger Wößmann)

The Psychological Long-run Effects of the Nuclear Catastrophe of Chernobyl“ [Original Title: Die psychischen Langzeitfolgen der Nuklearkatastrophe von Tschernobyl.] ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69 (07): 33-38. (with A. Danzer and A. Fichtl)

The Psychological Long-run Consequences of the Nuclear Catastrophe of Chernobyl“ [Original Title: Die psychischen Langzeitfolgen der Nuklearkatastrophe von Tschernobyl.] Ukraine Analysen, 2016, No: 167, 13-18. (with A. Danzer)

“Economic Uncertainty: Fixed-Term Contracts Impede Family Formation” [Original Title: Ökonomische Unsicherheit: Befristete Verträge erschweren Familiengründung.] ifo Schnelldienst, 2015, 68 (18): 28-36. (with W. Auer and A. Fichtl)

Child Benefit and Child Allowances in Germany: Their Impact on Family Policy Goals", CESifo DICE Report, 2014, 12 (1): 37-45. (with Rainer, Helmut, Stefan Bauernschuster, Anita Fichtl, Timo Hener, Christian Holzner and Janina Reinkowski)

Child Benefits and Allowances in Germany: Evaluating their Impact on Family-Policy related Goals“ [Original Title: Kindergeld und Kinderfreibeträge in Deutschland: Evaluierung der Auswirkungen auf familienpolitische Ziele.] ifo Schnelldienst, 2013, 66 (09): 28-36. (with H. Rainer, S. Bauernschuster, A. Fichtl, T. Hener, Ch. Holzner and J. Reinkowski)

Publicly Subsidized Child Care in Germany: Evaluating The Effect on the Labour Force Participation of Mothers“ [Original Title: Öffentlich geförderte Kinderbetreuung in Deutschland: Evaluierung der Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung von Müttern.] ifo Schnelldienst, 2013, 66 (07): 31-40. (with H. Rainer, W. Auer, S. Bauernschuster, A. Fichtl, T. Hener, Ch. Holzner, J. Reinkowski and M. Werding)

Poverty in Ukraine during Recession and Recovery“. [Original Title: Armut in der Ukraine in Rezession und Aufschwung.] In: Ukraine-Analysen, 2010, No. 78: 2-7. (with A. Danzer)

Germany’s presidency of the European council: Taking the opportunity to shape Europe’s future and sustainability“ [Original Title: Deutschlands EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Chancen zur Gestaltung der Zukunftsfähigkeit Europas nutzen.] In: DIW-Wochenbericht 51-52/2006: 729-738. (with C. Binzel et al.)

Arbeitspapiere / Working Papers

Danzer, N., Garcia- Torres, S., Steinhardt, M., Stella, L. Women in Political Power and School Closure During COVID Times. IZA Discussion paper No. 15975, 03/2023

Danzer, A., Danzer, N., Feuerbaum, C. Military Spending and Innovation: Learning from 19th Century World Fair Exhibition Data. CESifo Working Paper No.10347, 04/2023

EU Enlargement and (Temporary) Migration: Effects on Labour Market Outcomes in Germany. Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper No. 02/2022 (Luisa Hammer with Matthias S. Hertweck)

“Cracking under Pressure? Gender Role Attitudes toward Maternal Empoyment in Times of a Pandemic“. IZA Discussion paper No. 14471, June 2021 (with Mathias Huebener, Astrid Pape, C.Katharina Spiess, Nico A. Siegel, Gert G. Wagner).

Uncertainty in the labour market: How does fixed-term employment affect fertility and mental health of the young generation?” (with W. Auer), IBS Working paper 06/2015.

Aktuelle Projekte / Work in Progress

“The Impact of a Nuclear Catastrophe on Economic and Political Preferences – The Case of Chernobyl” (with A. Danzer and E. Fehr)

“Pension generosity and mental well-being at old age: Evidence from an unexpected pension reform.” (with A. Danzer)

“Local Labour Markets and Health at Birth” (with T. Hener and P. Reich)