Forschungswerkstatt Sommersemester 2010
Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow and Jun. Prof. Dr. Costas
summer term 2010
every tuesday, 6.15 p.m. until 7.45 p.m.,
Kaminzimmer, Boltzmannstrasse 20
date |
lecturer |
subject |
04.05.2010 |
Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz, Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow
"Strategic Leadership in Heterarchical Networks? A Structuration Perspective on Leadership Practices in the Semi-conductor Industry" |
25.05.2010 |
Prof. Jana Costas |
"'Varieties of Secrecy in Knowledge-intensive Organizations" |
01.06.2010 |
Prof. Dr. (Warwick) André Spicer |
“A Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations” |
08.06.2010 |
Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz, Dr. Frank Lerch
"Network Absorptive Capacity: How Networks Absorb Knowledge By Means of Collaborative Practices" |
17.06.2010 Thursday! |
Prof. Martha Feldmann (University of California Irvine) |
“Relating routine dynamics to dynamic capabilities” |
22.06.2010 |
Prof. Gregory Jackson |
“A Configurational Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Irresponsibility among U.S. Listed Firms” |
29.06.2010 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mellewigt, M.A. Martina Lütkewitte, Dipl.-Kfm. Matthias Meier |
“Antecedents and consequences of trust in alliances” |
06.07.2010 |
Prof. David Stark (Columbia University) |
“The Sense of Dissonance: Organizational Reflexivity in Response to Uncertainty” |