*(Wahlpflichtbereich): Aus drei Veranstaltungen ist eine auszuwählen**
Alternative 1:
Multivariate Methods
Martin Eisend and Christina Sichtmann
Learning Objectives
The application of multivariate statistics is an essential part of empirical research. The participants obtain knowledge principles and learn how typical questions are to be solved with multivariate data analysis. The main part of the lecture covers the application of several techniques as well as the interpretation of the results. Students get to know the application of usable software (e.g. SPSS, AMOS).
Research questions to be solved with multivariate statistics
Knowledge on key concepts, methods and elements of the empirical research process
Capability to use these concepts and methods in order to focus on relevant questions and develop viable solutions to research problems
Capability to evaluate research designs critically
Capability to present a solution that has been developed in teamwork in the classroom
The module off ers a comprehensive overview on the essential aspects and elements of empirical organization and strategy research. The students learn to independently and systematically plan and conduct empirical research projects. They become familiar with the ethical aspects of their actions as well as the potential diffi culties in accessing data; the choice of adequate methods to collect and analyze data; criteria such as objectivity, reliability and validity; and the adequate presentation of fi ndings. In addition to the lectures and tutorials the students are obliged to attend, the module requires substantial reading. Particular focus is on statistical analysis using software packages such as SPSS or STATA.
Forms of Teaching and Learning
Classroom Presence in Hours
Forms of Active Participation
Workload in Hours
Lecture/ Tutorial
3 per semester week
Written project report and
Attendance 45
Preparing the lecture incl. literature 45
Working on empirical research problems and writing a project report 60
Language German
Total Workload 150 hours
Duration of Module 1 semester
Frequency of Module Off ering Spring semester
Prerequisites Empirical Research Methods
Forms of Teaching and Learning
Credit Points
Mandatory Participation
Project work:
A group of 3-5 students focuses on a research project in order to run through the research process presented in the lecture, i.e., fi nding a research question, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and finally writing a report.
Students will advance their knowledge of research methods with the goal to be able to conduct their own research in line with scientifi c standards. They will apply theoretical and methodical skills learned in other modules to conduct an empirical case study by utilizing qualitative methodology. The goal will not only be to understand research methods but also to apply them and to enable students to better interpret results in empirical studies conducted by others.
Changing and current topics in regards to management research or marketing research; possibly in context to a certain industry.reading. Particular focus is on statistical analysis using software packages such as SPSS or STATA.
Forms of Teaching and Learning
Classroom Presence in Hours
Forms of Active Participation
Workload in Hours
3 per semester week Project
Project report, presentation of project thesis, participation in class discussion
Attendance 45
Reading and preparing the literature 20
Report writing 40
Preparation of the presentation 20
Preparation of discussion sessions 25
Language German
Total Workload 150 hours
Duration of Module 1 semester
Frequency of Module Off ering Selected spring semester