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Theory and Practice of Strategic Management

Prof. Dr. Rudi K. F. Bresser


Learning Objectives

Firms employ strategic management concepts and techniques to ascertain their long-term profi tability and competitive advantage. Achieving such long-term advantages is diffi cult in contemporary business environments, which are becoming increasingly complex and dynamic. Research in strategic management is based on various theories and techniques which a fi rm’s top management can use in its pursuit of long-term advantages. It is the aim of this module’s lectures to familiarize students with the theoretical foundations of strategic management. Interactive discussion sessions based on case studies are used to help students analyze complex strategic problems and develop appropriate problem solutions.


Theories covered in the lectures include concepts developed in institutional economics, neo-institutional organization theory, evolutionary theory, as well as the resource-based theory of the fi rm. The case study sessions encompass analyses of strategic decision makers, business environments, and fi rm resources and capabilities. In addition, the sessions will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of alternative corporate and business level strategies and their implementation.


Forms of Teaching and Learning Classroom Presence in Hours Forms of Active Participation Workload in Hours



Interactive Discussion Sessions

2 per semester week



2 per semester week

Discussion Questions, Short Presentations, Development of Propositions

Analysis and Presentation of Case Studies

Classroom Presence Lecture 30

Classroom Presence Interactive Discussion Sessions 30

Preparation of Content 40

Preparation of Case Studies 30

Preparation and Taking of Exams 20

Language German

Total Workload 150 hours

Duration of Module 1 semester

Frequency of Module Off ering Fall semester

Prerequisites none

Forms of Teaching and Learning Tests Credit Points Mandatory Participation
Lecture/Interactive Discussion Sessions/Independent Study Exam 120 min.

Case study 2.000 words

Contribution during discussions









Credit Points 5


