BussI - Global Business Intelligence Server
The BussI-Project is an open, long-term Joint Venture Research and Development Program between
Freie Universität Berlin - Institute of Production , Information Systems and Operations Research, Institute of Statistics and Econometrics and Institute of Management (Professor Dr. Hans-J. Lenz)
IBM Deutschland GmbH (Chair: E. Staudt) with Business Intelligence Group (H. Buchholz)
Daimler AG, Research, FT3, Berlin (Dr. R. A. Müller), and FT1, Berlin (Hans-D. Chemnitz)
Its global objective is to design a system of globally integrated highly efficient algorithm (procedures/ methods), data structures and user-friendly, emotionally activated GUI - interfaces to support explorative analysis (knowledge discovery, data mining, intelligent data analysis), non-standard planning, decision, monitoring / controlling schemes and trouble shooting tools (incl. risk assessment and management) on top of distributed, heterogeneous, high-dimensional, very large commercial databases. The DBMS has to manage OLTP, OLAP and extended commercial meta data stored in an improved repository.
The bundle of methods is expanded by a business discrete event simulator and a LP-Optimizer. Main business areas covered include m-Commerce and Cyber Recruiting. As modern technologies implicitly need a change of management style, knowledge management is a hard-core research part of our BussI - Project.
The technology is devoted mainly for typical tasks of the top management of a multi – national enterprise. It will be based mainly on IBM software and hardware with some software added-ons of third parties if needed like Scopeland Technology GmbH, Birkenwerder, and Hugin Expert A/S, Aalborg etc.
The main idea is not to re-invent available sound and efficient technologies, but to check carefully existing ones.
This method screening will be based either on a strong theory or on assessments using benchmarks. The heart of our mission will be to integrate sound and efficient methodologies in a user-friendly interface matching the typical CEO's demand and need. We interpret "Intelligence" simply as "less stupid software". The BussI Server will be a step towards such an "intelligent" CEO's control panel. We will put on the BussI Server the "best software world-wide available " to continuously contribute to Business Intelligence and Management in more than a "best-practice" way". Thus the BussI server will be developped towards a prototype ready for cloning as well as a demonstrator.
The BussI Project is linked to activities coined as Intelligent Data Analysis (GK IDA). There exists since a couple of years a collaboration between seven Professors from the Universities in Berlin, Bonn, and Magdeburg, i.e. Prof. Büning ( FU Berlin ), Prof. Kockelkorn ( TU Berlin ), Prof. Kruse ( TU Magdeburg ), Prof. Lenz ( FU Berlin ), Prof. Rödel ( HU Berlin ), Prof. Wrobel ( Uni Bonn ), and Prof. Wysotzki ( TU Berlin ). Their research fields are Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and /or Mathematical Statistics. Visit their homepages for more information!
Furthermore the BussI-Project is linked to the Berlin - Brandenburger Graduate School of Distributed Information Systems (GKVI), which was established by the German Research Council (DFG) in 1996, and is supported by four Universities in Berlin and Cottbus. The Director of the School is Professor Oliver Günther, PhD, HU Berlin.