Prof. Dr. Jan Marcus

Freie Universität Berlin
FB Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Forschungsschwerpunkt Statistik und Ökonometrie
Raum 322
14195 Berlin
nach Vereinbarung
Jan Marcus ist seit August 2022 Inhaber der Professur für Angewandte Statistik. Seine Forschung verbindet politisch relevante Fragestellungen mit der Anwendung neuester statistischer Verfahren zur Identifikation kausaler Effekte. Seine Arbeit hat zu zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen in renommierten internationalen Fachzeitschriften geführt, darunter das American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Public Economics und Journal of Health Economics.
Im Jahr 2018 wurde Jan Marcus von der Joachim Herz Stiftung mit dem Deutschen Wirtschaftspreis ausgezeichnet. Von 2015 bis 2022 war er Juniorprofessor für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Hamburg, insbesondere Ökonometrie. Von 2009 bis 2022 hatte er verschiedene Positionen am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) inne. Sein Studium der Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft sowie der Internationalen Wirtschaft absolvierte er in Konstanz und Istanbul. Seine Promotion mit dem Titel "Four Essays on Causal Inference in Health Economics" erfolgte an der Technischen Universität Berlin.
Weitere Informationen zu Jan Marcus finden Sie auf seiner Website unter
Jan Marcus is Professor for Applied Statistics at the Department of Economics. His research combines policy-relevant issues with the application of the latest statistical techniques and credible strategies for identifying causal effects. His work has led to numerous publications in top international journals such as American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Health Economics, and Survey Research Methods. In 2018, he was awarded the German Economics Prize by the Joachim Herz Foundation.Jan Marcus is Professor for Applied Statistics at the Department of Economics
Jan Marcus has been an assistant professor of economics, especially econometrics, at the University of Hamburg and was at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) from 2009 to 2022 in different positions.
He studied Political and Administrative Science as well as International Economics in Konstanz and Istanbul and received his PhD with "Four Essays on Causal Inference in Health Economics" from the Technical University of Berlin.
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- Angewandte Kausalanalyse
- Evaluierung von Politikmaßnahmen
- Verbesserung kausalanalytischer Verfahren
- Reproduzierbarkeit von Studien
- Causal analysis
- Policy evaluation
- Replication
Key publications
Replication Code Availability Over Time and Across Fields: Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel. Economic Inquiry, forthcoming (with Lukas Fink). Open Access Publication. Replication Package.
- The long-run effects of sports club vouchers for primary school children. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming (with Thomas Siedler and Nicolas R. Ziebarth). Working Paper.Replication Package.
- Using difference-in-differences to identify causal effects of COVID-19 policies. Survey Research Methods 2020, 14(2), 153-158 (with Andrew Goodman-Bacon). Open Access.
- Increased instruction time and stress-related health problems among school children. Journal of Health Economics, 2020, 70, 102256 (with Simon Reif, Amelie Wuppermann and Amélie Rouche). Working Paper.
- The effect of increasing education efficiency on university enrollment: Evidence from administrative data and an unusual schooling reform in Germany. Journal of Human Resources 2019, 54(2), 468-502 (with Vaishali Zambre).
- Reducing binge drinking? The effect of a ban on late-night off-premise alcohol sales on alcohol-related hospital stays in Germany. Journal of Public Economics 2015,123, 55-77 (with Thomas Siedler). Working Paper.
- The effect of unemployment on the mental health of spouses - Evidence from plant closures in Germany. Journal of Health Economics 2013, 32(3), 546-558. Replication Package. Postprint.
All publications