Poverty Mapping in Italy using a M-Quantile Small Area Approach
The estimation and dissemination of poverty, inequality and life condition indicators all over the European Union is nowadays one topic of primary interest. Available data to measure poverty and living conditions in Italy come mainly from sample surveys. However these data allow to produce direct reliable estimates at national or regional level (NUTS 2). Using small area estimation techniques it is possible to obtain estimate at a finer geographical level (e.g. LAU 1-2) in order to design better policies and intervention. In this talk I will present the M-quantile approach to the estimation of poverty indexes - i.e. the Head Count Ratio (or At-Risk Of-Poverty-Rate) and the Poverty Gap - and an application to Italian data based on the 2001 Census and 2006 EU-SILC.
Informationen zur Person
Zeit & Ort
05.11.2014 | 17:00 c.t.
Kaminzimmer (Raum 202), Boltzmannstraße 20, Berlin-Dahlem