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About the Project

Final stakeholder report title

Final stakeholder report title

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Core Aims

  • Compare and evaluate the supply chain governance structures and practices of lead garment firms based in different developed countries (Australia, Germany, Sweden, UK).

  • Analyse the labour and environmental policies and practices of factories in Bangladesh supplying these lead firms.

  • Explore Bangladeshi garment worker attitudes and behaviour regarding changing factory labour and environmental standards.

  • Understand the impact of new initiatives (such as the ‘Accord’) on labour and environmental standards in factories supplying garments to the lead firms in the above-mentioned developed countries.

  • Examine the role of the Rana Plaza building collapse as a focusing event that mobilizes support for changes in factory standards intended to have long term and wider implications for the garment industry.

  • Contribute to policy-making in developed and developing countries by providing strong evidence-based recommendations for improving labour and environmental standards in global production networks.

Research Design

This unique, three year (2016-18) project combines a systematic, comparative analysis of developed country lead firm policies and practices with comprehensive, on-the-ground research among managers, workers, government and civil society organizations in Bangladesh. Our experienced, multidisciplinary research team will provide insights into the constraints and enabling factors influencing workplace labour and environmental practices and standards.

Following a change-oriented, multi-actor, multi-level approach, we draw primarily on:

  • contextual data designed to facilitate analysis of institutional change and its impact on factory practices in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster,
  • interviews and surveys with lead firms, suppliers, and workers enabling a deeper explanation of organizational dynamics, and

  • case studies permitting stronger insights into lead firm practices aimed at improving suppliers’ labour and environmental standards.

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