Invited Talks
Elke Schüßler participates in the "Global Progressive Forum 2021" organized by the SPÖ Delegation in the European Parliament in a panel on global supply chains, fair labor and climate protection, 29 June 2021.
Elke Schüßler participates in a Webinar organized by the Association of International Business on the topic "Regulatory Change and Multinational Enterprises - Evolutions in Due Diligence Requirements in Global Supply Chains", 7 June 2021.
Elke Schüßler speaks with Armin Paasch (Miserior) and Uwe Kekeritz (Member of Parliament, Die Grünen), at an online event about "Corona and Global Supply Chains" organized by the Böll Stiftung, 14 July 2020.
Elke Schüßler was invited to hold a guest lecture at the Reinhard Mohn Institut für Unternehmensführung, University Witten-Herdecke, on the topic of "Garment supply chains since Rana Plaza", 20 November 2019, Witten.
Elke Schüßler and Nora Lohmeyer were invited to present and discuss the project findings at the 5th meeting of the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, 19 November 2019, Berlin.
Elke Schüßler and Nora Lohmeyer were invited to give a talk on the topic "Textillieferketten als Ansatz zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele" in the lecture series "Transformation unserer Welt – Die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung" organized by GIZ and Engagement Global, 11 November 2019, Berlin.
Stephen Frenkel was invited to give a talk on the topic “Labour Standards in Bangladesh Garment Factories: implications for evaluation and measurement” at a seminar hosted by Deloittes titled "Measuring the Effectiveness of Actions to Address Modern Slavery – Challenges and Opportunities", 19 September 2019, Sydney.
Stephen Frenkel was invited to give a talk on "Labour governance in Bangladesh garment factories " in the Sociology Department at the University of Arizona, Tucson, 15 April, 2019.
Stephen Frenkel was invited to give a talk on " Labour governance in Bangladesh garment factories " in the Sociology Department at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, 9 April 2019.
Niklas Egels-Zandén was invited to give a seminar on "Beyond workplace compliance" at Sorbonne University, Paris, 27 March 2019
Niklas Egels-Zandén was invited to participate in the "CSR breakfast" at Gothenburg University, 21 March 2019
Shahidur Rahman was invited to give a talk on "Social compliance in trade: status quo, credibility, challenges & solutions to Bangladesh industry" during a seminar organized by TÜV Rheinland, 6 March 2019, Dhaka.
Elke Schüßler was invited to facilitate a session on sustainable garment supply chains during the 5th Forum for the Future: Making Globalisation Fair organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), 20-21 Februrary 2019, Berlin.
Stephen Frenkel was invited to give a talk on "Regulating global supply chains" at KPMG Roundtable on Modern Slavery, Sydney, 14 Feb. 2019.
Chikako Oka was invited to participate in a panel and share her research based insights regarding the question "Living Wages – how to speed up progress?" at the Fair Living Wage Summit, organized by H&M, Phnom Penh, 11 December 2018.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to give a talk and present key findings from our project at a public event at the Berlin State Center for Political Education on global garment trade and working conditions, Berlin, 22 October 2018.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to give a talk on "CSR buying practices at international retailers" at TU Dresden in the realm of a project co-organized by TU Dresden, Notre Dame University Bangladesh and the German Academic Exchange Service, Dresden, 12 October 2018.
Elke Schüßler was invited to give a talk on "Sustainable garment production? The impact of Rana Plaza" at the LIT Lectures - Science in a Nutshell, at Linz Institute of Technology (LIT), Johannes Kepler University Linz, 5 September 2018, Linz.
Nikls Egels-Zandén was invited to give a presentation on “Sustainability challenges in global textile value chains” at the annual meeting of the business association Textile Importers Sweden, the audience comprising around 60 representatives from the Swedish textile sector, 14 June 2018, Gothenburg.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to provide an input on the Action Collaboration Transformation (ACT) initiative at a meeting of NGOs represented in the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, 5 June 2018, Hanover.
Sarah Ashwin was invited to talk about labour standards in global garment supply chains at the Fashion Question Time at the Houses of Parliament, with an audience comprising around 70 policy makers, members of the press, brands and retailers, academics, fashion, campaign and development organisations and influencers, 23 April 2018, London.
Elke Schüßler was invited to give a talk on production conditions and labor standards in global production networks with a particular focus on the garment industry in the realm of a lecture series on development and global value chains at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, 17 April 2018, Linz.
Elke Schüßler was invited to give a talk on labor standards in global garment production networks in the realm of a lecture series on interdisciplinary perspectives on work and the economy at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, 16 April 2018, Linz.
Elke Schüßler and Nora Lohmeyer were invited to present our paper "Why do firms support transnational industrial relations arrangements? A processual lens" at Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen (SOFI), 16 February 2018, Göttingen.
Niklas Egels-Zandén and Nora Lohmeyer were invited to present our project as well as results from our project at the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE), 17 January 2018, Wittenberg.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to present our project and talk about the challenges of governing labor standards in global garment supply chains at the HNE Eberswalde, 11 January 2018, Berlin
Elke Schüßler and Nora Lohmeyer were invited to present results from our ongoing research project at the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), which among others is commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) to host the Secretariat of the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, 6 December 2017, Berlin.
Elke Schüßler was invited to give a talk on "Arbeit und Solidarität in globalen Produktionsnetzwerken" (engl.: 'work and solidarity in global production networks'), in the realm of an event-series "Frieden im Dialog", organized by Pax Christi Oberösterreich, 28 November 2017, Austria.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to give a talk on the question "How do CSR strategies feed into the global procurement of goods and the sourcing practices of lead firms?" at the inaugural event of an event series on "Limits and Potential of Voluntary Sustainability Initiatives," jointly organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), Oxfam, Christliche Initiative Romero, Südwind, and Verbraucherzentrale, 13 November 2017, Berlin.
Niklas Egels-Zandén was invited to give a talk on “Social Compliance and Sustainability: Research Outcomes and Discussion” at a meeting of the Swedisch Foreign Trade Association (FTA), the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and the Business Environmental Performance Initiative (BEPI), which took place in Gothenburg, 10th October 2017.
Elke Schüßler was invited as a panelist together with Professor Sven Beckert (Harvard University) and Reiner Hoffmann (Head of the DGB) to speak about the history of the textile industry from a historical, labor and economic perspective. The event is organized by the Institut für die Geschichte und Zukunft der Arbeit (IGZA) and took place on the 17th of July 2017 at the IG Metall building in Berlin. Pictures and videos of the event can be seen here.
Elke Schüßler was invited as Keynote Speaker for the "International Symposium on Sustainable Fashion Consumption" at the University of Ulm, 19 June 2017.
Elke Schüßler presented the Global Garment Governance Project at the Arbeiterkammer Linz on June 8, 2017, highlighting in particular the challenge of organizing international labour solidarity in a GPN context.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to present our paper "Intraorganizational tensions around being good: Structures and practices of organizing purchasing and CSR in garment retailers and brands" at the Institute for Management Research (IMR), Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands and to present our project to a class of management students, 6 March 2017.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to present our project to a class of future sustainability-managers, studying sustainable management at the Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (HNE) Eberswalde, Germany, 12 January 2017.
Nora Lohmeyer was invited to give the Keynote at the conference “Fair Fashion Works?“, organized by FEMNET and held in Düsseldorf, 13-14 October 2016.
Niklas Egels-Zandén was invited to give a talk at the seminar "How to create Sustainable Global Value Chains - a focus on China" arranged by DELL in Stockholm on the 27th of April 2016.
Elke Schüßler was invited to present our Garment Supply Chain Governance Project to a tripartite delegation from Bangladesh, which has been invited by the German Employment Injury Association (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung, DGUV), in Berlin on 21 April 2016.
Elke Schüßler was invited to give a talk on "Work in Global Production Networks: The Case of the Garment Industry in Bangladesh" at re:work, an International Research Center on Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin on 19th of April 2016.
Niklas Egels-Zandén gave a talk providing insights from research on the garment industry at a board meeting for the largest Swedish eco-label in the food industry KRAV in February 2016.