Prof. Elke Schüßler presented our pilot study at the WK ORG workshop in Hamburg, 16 February 2017
News vom 17.02.2017
Professor Schüßler presented the pilot study “Changes in the Governance of Garment Supply Chains: Rana Plaza as a Focusing Event?”, written together with Steve Frenkel and Chris Wright, at the workshop of the Scientific Commission Organization in Hamburg.
The Scientific Commission Organization (Wissenschaftliche Kommission Organisation, WK ORG), a specialized body of the Association of University Teachers of Business Administration (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e.V.) offers a platform for organization and management researchers from the German-speaking academic community to present and discuss research results and methods and offers networking possibilities.
This year’s WK ORG Workshop was held from 16-17 February 2017 at the University of Hamburg.