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Program & Papers

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Final Program


  • Accepted Papers


    Akkermans and Romme. How Partnership Behaviour Evolves in Networks: Path Dependency, Social Figuration and Life Events.

    Alexander and Goldman. Chain Governance Models in Retailing: Capability Development and Path Dependency. 

    Aoki and Jackson. Understanding an Emergent Diversity of Corporate Governance and Organizational Architecture: an Essentiality-Based Analysis. 

    Bach. Information Externalities and Search Behaviour in a Dual Technology Choice Model - The Case of German Broadband. 

    Becker, Knudsen and Stieglitz. Managing Radical and Incremental Change: Path-dependent Organizational Search in Changing Environments. 

    Blinn. Path Dependence of the Language Transfer Technique for Foreign Films in the German Cinema Market. 

    Botzem and Mante. Acting upon Paths: Alternatives, Contestation and Fragile Stability in Path Dynamics. 

    Brunninge and Melin. Continuity in change: Path dependence and transformation in two Swedish multinationals. 

    Dobusch. Escaping Path Dependency: Adoption of Network Effect Technologies as Organisational Innovation. 

    Donnelly. Actor-Network Theory and Organizational Forming: An Amodern Path Dependence Perspective. 

    van Driel and Dolfsma. Path Dependence and Meta-Routines in Organizations: The Toyota Production system Re-examined. 

    Goins and Gruca. The Effects of Value Dynamics and path Dependence on Firm Performance. 

    Golant and Sillince. Stability and Change in Narratives of Organizational Identity. 

    Gospel and Fiedler. The long-run dynamics of big firms: the 100 largest employers, from the US, UK, Germany, France, and Japan, 1907-2002. 

    Hadden and Hage. Lessons Not Learned: Organizational Population Path Dependency and Devolution in the U.S. Footwear Industry. 

    Hayton and Olk. Path Dependent and Path Independent Learning in the Formation Processes of R&D Consortia. 

    Hess, Kleinschmit, von Cramon-Taubadel and Theuvsen. Conceptualizing Path Dependence through Discourse Analysis: The Case of Persistent Agricultural Policies. 

    Holtmann and Lüttel. Strategic Rigidity: The Interplay of Organizational Levels in Self-Reinforcing Processes. 

    Kasabov. Between Under-determination and Over-determination: A Multi-level Understanding of 'Success of Path Dependence' through 'Perpetuation of Failure' during Reform.

    Koch, Eisend and Petermann. The Impact of Complexity on Path Dependent Decision Making Processes: An Experimental Study. 

    Marty. Path Dependence and Public Timber Auctions. 

    van Nieuwaal. Path Dependency: A Resistance to Controversies. 

    Nothnagel. Specialization as an Organizational Path. 

    Roedenbeck, Haase and Söllner. Institutional Rigidity and Lock-in of Individual Mental Models: On the Role of Knowledge and Ideologies. 

    Sapsed, Mateos-Garcia and Grantham. Creating and Sustaining Genres in Cultural Products: Co-Evolution of Technology, Organisation and Markets in the Video Games Industry.

    Schellhammer and Klein. Accounting for Stability and Path dependency in Inter-Organisational Information systems (IOIS) by Adopting a Practice Theory Perspective. 

    Schüssler. Between Vertical Integration and Modularisation: Crossing Traditional Boundaries in the Strategic Management of Value Chains. 

    Siedentopp. Strategic Inertia through Corporate Political Activity: Consequences of a Path-Dependent Process. 

    Strobel. Managing Paths: How Shell Pursues the Development of Alternative Fuels. 

    Tepe. On the Political Economy of Pension Privatization. A Cross-Country Study. 

    Tuertscher, Garud and Nordberg. The Emergence of Architecture - The Case of ATLAS, CERN.

    Valorinta, Lamberg and Schildt. Interrelated Path Dependence of Technological Systems and Organizational Power Relations.

    Vergne. Change and Necessity Revisited: A reassessment of Path Dependence, and its Implications for Organization Studies. 

    Waldfogel and Moon. The Tipping Point: Path-Dependence in Restaurant Markets.