Third party funded projects
The German Digitale Gesellschaft e. V., the Austrian Verein Freie Netze. Freies Wissen. und the Swiss Digitale Allmend have initated the project of a Digital Openness Index ([do:index]) to visualize and compare the contribution of municipal or regional authorities to digital public goods such as data, information, knowledge or infrastracture. The main goal is to develop an index to rank a selection of municipalities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In addition, a software tool shall allow other municipalities to compare themselves to those municiapalities listed in the digital openness ranking.
Leonhard Dobusch, Assistant Professor in the Management Department and Claudia Müller-Birn, Assistant Professor in the Department for Mathematics and Computer Science, function as research partners for conceptualizing the project, designing the index and collecting data.
The project is funded by the Internet Foundation Austria as one of the winners of the Netidee-Award 2012.