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Prof. Dr. Miriam Flickinger

Miriam Flickinger

Freie Universität Berlin

Department of Management

Chair of Organization

Full Professor and Head of the Chair

Garystr. 21
Room 233
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Consultation hours by appointment only.


Since Jan 20  

Full Professor and Head of the Chair of Organization, Freie Universität Berlin

 Jan 20- Nov 22

Part-time professor, Department of Management

Aarhus University, Aarhus Denmark

Oct 18 - Dec 19

Full Professor of Management,
Aarhus University
, Department of Management

Oct 17 - Jul 19: Deputy Head of Section Organization, Strategy, and Accounting

Apr 17 - Sep 18 Associate Professor of Management,
Aarhus University
, Department of Management
May 16 - Mar 17

Interim Full Professor (W3) and Acting Head of Institute for Strategic Management
Munich School of Management, LMU University of Munich

Feb 2017: Completion of German Habilitation and bestowal of teaching credentials (Venia Legendi) from LMU University of Munich

Apr 14 - Apr 16 Assistant Professor, Munich School of Management
LMU University of Munich
Institute for Strategic Management
Prof. Dr. Anja Tuschke
Sep 10 - Jul 14

Assistant Professor, University of Passau
Chair of Management, People, and Information
Prof. Dr. Marina Fiedler

Apr 13 – Oct 13: Visiting Scholar Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Oct 09 - Aug 10 Communications & Government Relations, BASF SE, Berlin
Nov 08 - Sep 09 Strategy Consultant, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen
Oct 03 - Sep 08

Research Assistant and PhD Program, University of Passau
Chair of Organization and Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Rolf Bühner

Nov 96 - Dec 02 Graduate Degree Program, University of Passau, Germany
Business Administration


  • Resipient 2016 Best Teaching Award for Bavarian Public Universities
  • Recipient 2016 LMU Munich School of Management Best Teaching Award
  • Recipient 2009 Best Dissertation Award, University of Passau


  • Academy of Management
  • Strategic Management Society
  • International Corporate Governance Society
  • European Academy of Management
  • European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
  • German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) (WK Organisation, WK Strategisches Management und WK Personal)
  • Editorial Board Corporate Governance: An International Review

  • Editorial Board Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research

Articles in refereed journals:

  • Flickinger, M. & Zschoche, M. (2023): The Interplay of Subsidiary Performance and Cultural Distance in International Downsizing Decisions. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, 75(2): 127-147
  • Mueller, E. F. & Flickinger, M. (2021): It's a Family Affair: How Social Identification Influences Family CEO Compensation. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 29(5): 461-478
  • Schulz, A.-C. & Flickinger, M. (2020): Does CEO (Over)Compensation Influence Corporate Reputation? Review of Managerial Science, 14(4): 903-927.
  • Flickinger, M. & Zschoche, M. (2018): Corporate Divestiture and Performance: An Institutional View, Journal of Management & Governance, 22(1): 111-131.
  • Bottenberg, K., Tuschke, A., & Flickinger, M. (2017): Corporate Governance Between Shareholder and Stakeholder Orientation: Lessons from Germany, Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(2): 165-180.
  • Flickinger, M. (2016): Timing ist alles! Desinvestitionen richtig kommunizieren, Controlling & Management Review, 60(5): 44-49.
  • Flickinger, M., Wrage, M., Tuschke, A., & Bresser, R. (2016): How CEOs Protect Themselves against Dismissal: A Social Status Perspective, Strategic Management Journal, 37(6): 1107-1117.
  • Flickinger, M., Allscher, M., & Fiedler, M. (2016): The Mediating Role of Leader-Member Exchange: A Study of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions in Temporary Work, Human Resource Management Journal, 26(1): 46-62.
  • Müller, E., Flickinger, M., & Dorner, V. (2015): Knowledge Junkies or Careerbuilders? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students’ Intention to Earn a PhD, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90(8): 75-89.
  • Flickinger, M., Tuschke, A., Gruber-Mücke, T, & Fiedler, M. (2014): In Search of Rigor, Relevance, and Legitimacy – What Drives the Impact of Publications? Journal of Business Economics, 84(1): 99-128.
  • Flickinger, M., Gruber-Mücke, T., & Fiedler, M. (2013): The Linkage between Human Resource Practices and Organizational Ambidexterity – An Analysis of the Importance of Internal Labor Market Dynamics for a Highly Qualified External Workforce, Journal of Business Economics, 83(8): 923-946.

Books and book chapters:

  • Flickinger, M. & Klarner, P. (2016): Trustworthiness in Interorganizational Change Processes: Lessons from Selling Assets, Schriesheim, C. A. & Neider, L. L. (eds.) Research in Management: Perspectives on Organizational Change and Transformations, 11: 45-76.
  • Flickinger, M. (2009): The Institutionalization of Divestitures: A Meta-Analysis of Stock Market Performance, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.