Dr. Knut Lange

Research Assistant (external project)
Boltzmannstr. 20
Room K41
14195 Berlin
Room K41
14195 Berlin
Academic Background
- 10/1993 – 03/1996 Studies of Sociology at Trier University
- 04/1996 – 07/1999 Studies of Sociology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Subject of graduation thesis: Organizational Culture: Development and Testing of a Theoretical Analysis Framework - 1993-1999 Internship at the youth- and social assistance offices Karlsruhe, at Deutsche Bahn AG and at the German-Arabic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Cairo, Egypt)
- 02/1998 – 12/1998 Student Research Assistant at the Center for Tech and Society (ZTG, Zentrum für Technik und Gesellschaft) at the Technical University Berlin
- 05/2000 – 04/2002 Research Assistant, Project "Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Arbeitssystemen aus intra- und interorganisationaler Perspektive" at the Institute for Social Studies of Humboldt-University Berlin (Lead by Prof. Karin Lohr)
- 06/2002 – 05/2005 Postgraduate Studies (Ph.D. student) at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung), Cologne
- 06/2005 – 05/2006 Postdoctoral studies at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung), Cologne
- 02/2006 Docotor in Bedrijfskunde (Business Administration) at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands (Subject: German biotech companies and their innovative capabilities in an international comparison – an institutionalist analysis)
- 06/2006 – 11/2006 Post-Doctoral studies at Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen, Netherlands; at the same time visiting researcher at Science Center Berlin (WZB, Wissenschaftscenter)
- since 12/2006 Research Assistant at the Institute of Management
Publications in English
- Becker-Ritterspach, F., Lange, K., Lohr, K. (2002): Control Mechanisms and Patterns of Reorganization. In: Geppert, M., Matten, D., Williams, K. (ed.). Challenges for European Management in a Global Context. Experiences from Britain and Germany. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Publishers, p. 68-95.
Conference Papers in English
- Becker-Ritterspach F., Lange K., Lohr, K. (2001): Control Mechanisms and Patterns of Reorganization. Presented at the conference "Management Of Change in Multinational Companies: Global Challenges and National Effects". Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 16/17 November 2001. Financed by the Anglo-German Foundation.
- Becker-Ritterspach F., Lange K., Lohr, K. (2001): The micro-coevolution of an organizational model in a multinational corporation: Bringing actors into the coevolutionary framework. Prsented at EGOS Colloquium, 5.-7. July 2001 in Lyon, France.
- Becker-Ritterspach F., Lange K., Lohr, K. (2001): Do European Corporate Coordination and Control Systems Converge? Presented at the founding conference of the European Academy of Management, 2001 in Barcelona, Spain.
- Lange, K. (2005): Radical Innovations in Anglo-Saxon Market Economies and the "Silent Contradictions" of Institutional Innovation Theories – An Investigation by the Example of Biotechnology. Presented at EGOS Colloquium in Berlin, 5.-7. July 2005.
Fields of Research
- Varieties of Capitalism
- Path dependence research
- Organisational theory
- Economic Sociology