Accreditation acc. to §13b WPO
If you started your studies of Business Administration (Bachelor’s programme of study) in winter semester 2011/12 or later, you can have exams accredited for passing the exam for the public auditor examination (two examinations out of seven). In Germany, only four universities do offer this accreditation of equivalency of exams according to § 13b WPO; in the area of Berlin and Brandenburg only students of our Bachelor’s programme of study of Business Administration can make use of this possibility. For further details, please have a look at our information leaflet and our article on this topic. Above all, § 9 (last adjusted on 20 November 2014) of the examination regulations is of relevance. The accreditation of exams is supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Up-to-date information on the occupational profile of an auditor can be found here.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or during my office hours, should you have any questions.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Ruhnke
(Coordinator for questions concerning the accreditation of exams according to § 13b WPO)
For current, up-to-date information, please visit our German website.