DFG | Robust Integrated Vehicle Scheduling, Crew Scheduling and Crew Rostering in Public Transport
DFG Sachbeihilfe
Development and evaluation of methods for the integration of Vehicle Scheduling, Crew Scheduling and Crew Rostering in public transport. Based on the research results (including data, algorithms and software) of both applicants, a prototype software will be developed. The integration of the three phases within the operational planning will in all likelihood allow for the realization of optimization potentials (both cost minimization and employee-friendly scheduling), which could not be achieved so far by sequential planning or the integration of two phases. The aspects of Robust Efficiency for (anonymous) resource deployment plans against disruptions in execution (such as delays), which have been researched so far, are also to be taken into account in the new integrated approach.
For this purpose, a simulator will be developed which generates the scenarios of the disruptions. Since even the individual sub-models are already difficult to solve on a practical scale, an important objective is to generate and evaluate new approaches (exact methods such as the column-generation approach and heuristic methods such as metaheuristics) in order to calculate the best possible solutions for the integrated models. The solution approaches will be confronted with empirical data in cooperation with practice partners with the aim to check and compare the above mentioned optimization potentials with practical data.
Project Duration: 2019-2021
The project is carried out in cooperation with the Chair of Information Systems, especially Operations Research at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Prof. Dr. Lin Xie.
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