Decision Support Systems
Lecturers: Natalia Kliewer, David Rößler, Florian Hauck
Language: German
Credits: 6 ECTS
Degree Program
Bachelor's degree programs
Qualification goals
The students are familiar with methods and models of applied optimization and know the most important technologies of computer-based decision support from the perspective of business informatics. They have competences for modeling and analyzing complex decision situations in companies and organizations and are thus able to select and apply suitable modeling techniques and solution methods themselves and to use software for analyzing and solving the developed models.
After an overview of common methods of quantitative decision support (optimization, simulation, business intelligence), the basics of modeling business decision situations using mathematical optimization are presented. The modeling techniques are directly applied to practical examples and solved with the help of optimization software. In the second part of the course an introduction to the tools and models of data mining and business intelligence is given. What has been learned will be tested in the exercise part of the course. The application in business practice will be illustrated by means of the case studies.
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