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NDR interview with Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb from July 11, 2024 on the planned changes to the Basic Guarantee.

The NDR interviewed Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb on July 11th, 2024 about the changes planned by the German government to the Basic Guarantee.

You can listen to the short interview in the ARD audio library.

Prof. Ronnie Schöb was a guest on SAT.1 "Frühstücksfernsehen" on July 9, 2024

On 9 July 2024, Prof. Dr Ronnie Schöb commented on SAT.1 "Frühstücksfernsehen" on the changes to the Basic Guarantee planned by the government as part of its growth initiative presented on 5 July 2024. He also pointed out the continuing problems with the current Basic Guarantee.

"Welt am Sonntag" interview with Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb from July 7, 2024

On July 7, 2024 an interview with Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb was published in the "Welt am Sonntag", in which he comments on various problems of the current Basic Guarantee.

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb at the Economic Dialogue of the Federal Ministry of Finance on July 4th 2024

As part of the 75th anniversary of the The Advisory Board to the Federal Ministry of Finance , Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb will speak on a panel about the work of the Advisory Council with Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner on problems of the Basic Guarantee.

The event is part of the "Economic Dialogue" series organized by the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb gave two lectures at the Long Night of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb was the host of two well-attended events as part of the "Long Night of Science" on 22.06.2024.
The two lectures, which first dealt with the topic of "Measuring happiness" and then the question "Does work make you happy?", met with great interest and led to exciting discussions.

Successful disputation by Peihua Deng

Peihua Deng received her doctorate from the chair of Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb on 22.05.2024 after successfully defending her thesis.

In her dissertation entitled "Subjective well-being in China", she deals with the question of the extent to which income inequality affects the life satisfaction of different social groups in China.
A particular focus here is on differences between internal migrants and the inhabitants of urban regions, which can be explained by the so-called hokou system.
With her contribution, she provides important insights for migration and well-being research.

The entire department would like to congratulate Peihua Deng!

New empirical study published by Pranvera Shehaj and Martin Zagler

Dr. Pranvera Shehaj from our chair and her co-author Prof. Martin Zagler recently published the study "Asymmetric Double Tax Treaties: Relief Method and Tax Sparing for Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries" in the renowned journal "Public Finance Review".

Dr. Clemens Hetschko as guest researcher at the chair

The Chair of International Public Economics is pleased to welcome Dr. Clemens Hetschko from 21st until 31st of May 2024 as part of the DFG research project "The Effects of Unemployment on Various Indicators of Well-being".

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb and Prof. Dr. Norbert Berthold discuss the new Basic Child Guarantee

In the podcast series "Wirtschaftliche Freiheit", Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb and Prof. Dr. Norbert Berthold discuss what they see as the problems with the current draft law on Basic Child Guarantee.
The coalition is planning its implementation as the final part of its welfare state reforms.

You can access the Podcats episode via the link below.

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb comments on the problems with current Basic Guarantee

In the course of the current discussion about the Basic Guarantee, Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb pointed out existing problems on ARD Berlin. The article and audio report from 19.03.2024 can be accessed via the link below.

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb gives his assessment of the development of Basic Child Guarantee

The Handelsblatt asked Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb for an assessment of the current political development of the basic child insurance planned by the German government, which can be read in the article from 28.02.2024.

New paper published by Pranvera Shehaj and Alfons Weichenrieder

We are delighted that Dr. Pranvea Shehaj, who works as a post-doc at our chair, and her co-author Prof. Alfons Weichenrieder were able to publish the paper "Corporate income tax, IP boxes and the location of R&D" in the renowned journal "International Tax Public Finance".

What impact does unemployment have on well-being?

Chair holder Professor Ronnie Schöb and researchert Tom Günther are part of a research group consisting of scientists from the FU Berlin and the IAB Nuremberg, which has now published initial results on the effects of unemployment on well-being in a research project supported by the DFG.

Recent publications by Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb, Dr. Clemens Hetschko et al.

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb and Dr. Clemens Hetschko together with their co-authors Prof. Dr. Gesine Stephan (IAB), Prof. Dr. Michael Eid (FU Berlin, Department of Education and Psychology) and Dr. Mario Lawes (FU Berlin, Department of Education and Psychology) have published two new research papers:

1) The impact of unemployment on cognitive, affective, and eudaimonic well-being facets: Investigating immediate effects and short-term adaptation

2) Does Worker Well-Being Adapt to a Pandemic? An Event Study Based on High-Frequency Panel Data

Julia Schmidtke (IAB) was also involved in the latter as a co-author.

Prof. Schöb on the problems of basic security at Zeit Online and on NDR

In two interviews, Prof. Schöb comments on current problems with basic social security and points out concrete reform options for a sustainable welfare state.
The interview with NDR is available as an audio download.

Opinion statement by Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb on the draft bill on Basic Child Guarantee

The Committee for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of the German Bundestag has invited Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb to a public hearing on 13.11.2023 on the Federal Government's "Draft Act on the Introduction of a Basic Child Guarantee".

Prof. Dr. Schöb's statement will be published shortly on the website of the Committee for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

New Discussion Paper by Dr. Ulrich Schneider, Tom Günther et al.

Dr. Ulrich Schneider and Tom Günther from the Chair of International Public Economics have published a new discussion paper together with Fabian Stürmer-Heiber (LMU Munich) entitled "Working more for less".

Prof. Dr. Schöb gives a short comment in the anniversary edition of the podcast "Economic Freedom".

What are the principles for a better economic policy?

In the anniversary episode (No. 50) of the podcast "Economic Freedom" by Prof. Dr. Norbert Berthold and Dr. Jörn Quitzau, renowned experts briefly outline the 10 commandments for a better economic policy.

With contributions from
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Raffelhüschen
- Dr. Gertrud Traud
- Dr. Matthias Kullas
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Kooths
- Prof. Dr. Jan Schnellenbach
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Weimann
- Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb
- Dr. Melanie Häner
- Prof. Dr. David Stadelmann
- Dr. Jörn Quitzau

We hope you enjoy listening!

Article published in "ifo-Schnelldienst"

Due to current social policy reforms, Ronnie Schöb, Svenja Miltner and Tom Günther discuss "Unresolved Problems of Basic Security".

Research Seminar in Economics