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Dipl.-Psych. Claudia Walther, M.A.

Claudia Walther

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Boltzmannstr. 20
Raum 229
14195 Berlin


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Research Interests

  • micro-foundations of social organization, in particular (aggregation-) mechanisms at the intersection of micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis
  • conceptualizing and evaluating network forms of organization
  • identification of key constructs for (systemic) network and organization development
  • organization theory, social and organizational psychology, social network analysis
  • regional innovation networks, multi-level governance and international public organizations

Work Experience

since 07/2015

Researcher in the project "Smart Transfer"/"Smart Co-Creation" at the Management Department, School of Business & Economics, Free University, Berlin 

since 04/2011

Assistant lecturer at the Chair for Social- and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Humboldt-University, Berlin. 

since 04/2011  

Workshop facilitator and coach focused on personal and career development at +C Coaching & Beratung, Berlin

09/2003 – 03/2005

Researcher in the project "www.weltpolitik.net" at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin

01 – 06/2003

Carlo Schmid Fellow, Project Coordination Unit, OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre, Vienna, Austria


10/2005 – 03/2011

MSc Psychology (Dipl.-Psych.) with a specialization in Social and Organizational Psychology and additional courses in Organizational Sociology at the Department of Psychology, Humboldt-University, Berlin. MSc thesis: "The Development of the Network Performance Measurement Instrument"

09/2000 – 05/2002

MA Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (with distinction), University of Bradford, Great Britain. MA dissertation: "Cooperation – a Contested Concept in International Relations Discourse"

11/1997 – 08/2000

BA Psychology, Intercultural Communication, and Economics with additional courses in Political Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena


Studies in Psychology, Business Administration, and Intercultural Communication, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, USA



  • Seminar: Netzwerkbasierte Organisationsformen verstehen/Understanding Network Forms of Organization
  • Seminar: Konflikte: Verstehen und Handeln/Conflicts: Understanding and Effective Action
  • Vorlesungsbegleitung: Organisationspsychologie/Organizational Psychology


  • Übung: Organisation – Strukturen und Prozesse
  • Vorlesungsbegleitung: Sozialpsychologie I+II/Social Psychology I+II
Organized Creativity