Bachelor & Master Theses
Please send your application to as soon as possible, preferably in the semester before you plan to write your thesis.
You can apply for a Bachelor's thesis for the summer semester until March 31.
For the winter semester, you can apply until September 30.
There is no deadline for Master's theses.
To be eligible for writing a Bachelor’s thesis, students must have attended at least two courses or a seminar offered by our chair, in addition to the mandatory introduction into microeconomics.
Your application requires:
- a brief argument on why you want to write a thesis in microeconomics
- information about your interests, abilities, and experience in microeconomics, mathematics, econometrics, and working with data
- information whether you prefer to write in English or German
- your most recent transcript of records
- in case of a Bachelor's thesis: the registration form and the Excel application sheet
While a well-formulated topic proposal is not essential, it is helpful. In addition, we are interested in your proficiency in software, specifically in spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel, statistical software such as Stata, R or Python, and numeric computing software like Matlab or Mathematica.
For Bachelor students:
You can download the registration form here: Fill in all preferences for chairs at our faculty and leave the field "Topic" empty, as we will discuss your research question after the application deadline has passed.
We strongly recommend that undergraduate students take at least one additional microeconomic course, aside from the mandatory introduction to microeconomics, and a seminar before starting a Bachelor's thesis at our chair.